The annual International Press Freedom Awards Dinner for the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is always an awe-inspiring event. It honors journalists from around the world who risk their lives to report from war zones and in defiance of brutal regimes. In 2009, 35 journalists have been killed. Just this Monday, 12 journalists have been identified as among the 46 people killed in an election-related massacre in the Philippines. (UPDATED NOV. 25 to ADD: The death toll is now at 57.)
Winners of this year’s Freedom Awards, presented at a dinner emceed by Christiane Amanpour last night at New York’s Waldorf-Astoria hotel, included Naziha Rejiba of Tunisia and Mustafa Haji Abdinur of Somalia, who were there to accept their awards personally. Jiang Weiping, who won his award in 2001, finally made it to the ceremony after being imprisoned in China for five years and kept under surveillance for three more. Among the reports that angered officials was Jiang’s story about how the mayor of Daqing used state money to buy 29 apartments … one for each of his mistresses.
Two honorees — J.S. Tissainayagam of Sri Lanka and Eynulla Fatullayev of Azerbaijan — were not there because they’re both in jail on trumped-up charges. I have CPJ postcards calling for the release of both journalists. If you’d like to sign one in support of these two brave men, send your snail-mail address to me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com and I will send you a card to sign.
It wasn’t all dire news last night. The black-tie event itself was a big success,with the dinner raising $1.2 million to help journalists and their families. An additional $100,000 was pledged by attendees during dinner. And, of course, with that many media people in one ballroom, there was lots of networking. Like last year, I was too busy talking to people to eat dinner, so I needed to have some French fries at a diner afterward.
Eating fries in my Zang Toi gown.
Having gotten the serious stuff out of the way, I’ll post more outfit pictures tomorrow. My Zang Toi gown was so spectacular that my new house photographer, GeorgeB, drove in from New Jersey to take pictures. He declared it worth the trip.
Definitely worth the trip.
The CPJ is such a wonderful cause given what has just happened and what happens to many journalists that we don’t hear about. Way to raise awareness/provide help/look fan-tah-stic simultaneously.
I am always too busy at events to eat so I end up getting taco bell or something…not that I go to events as fabulous as you these days but ya know…
UMM so that outfit you wore that you left in my comments? It’s official. I’m obsessed with you.
You look stunning…even the lipstick color!
Don’t let Lady Gaga steal your Zang Toi!!
You know she will…
mmm fries, my favourite. and with a lovely big smile!
Zang Toi and french fries are a winning combination!
Love your hair! It looks like an offside chignon 🙂
I truly admire what those journalist do. They risk so much to find and display the truth for us in our posh comfortable setting at home.
Sounds like an amazing event, and I’m glad to hear a chunk of change was raised for this worthy cause. And I love that you wore your swear rings – freedom of speech in action!
I think you have my snail-mail address, right? I definitely want to sign one.
wow… that’s amazing, as you know i don’t read the paper, and put my head in the sand about world events, but none the less, it’s a brave thing for the journalists to do, and it’s not part of our collective conscious how dangerous it is to bring us the news.
not quite like lindsay lohan updates, right?
i’ll send my address…
btw…are we going to see the rest of that dress??
can’t wait to see the gown!
I remember reading about JS Tissainayagam’s sentencing because it made major news in my local papers. It’s so weird, and fucked up.
On a happier note- what we can see of your dress looks spectacular (I still remember the peacock feather Zang Toi dress you once wore- what a fab designer), and you’re still the goddess of awesome lip colours 🙂
That is such a great cause! I had no idea so many journalists were killed this year.
Wow! Can’t wait to see the entire dress!
Such an honourable and worthy event and can’t wait to see more of your outfit pictures too!
I am always inspired and grateful when you post your ’cause’ news.
WOW! What a Wonderful cause, this is sooo sad to hear how many journalists have been killed. Thank YOU for this very informative post and as always YOU look Gorgeous, your dress is solely GLAM FABULOUS!:))
p.s. Happy Thanksgiving!
Geez. The most dangerous thing about my writing job is carpel tunnel syndrome.
It breaks my heart that these things happen in the Philippines…it’s partly why I haven’t been back in over 20 years.
Raising $1.2 million – what an accomplishment. That is wonderful.
And YES do show us more of your gown!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
omg! that picture is incredibly fun. 🙂
What a gorgeous outfit!
what a wonderful cause!
can’t wait to see what you are wearing!
Thanks, WendyB, for highlighting such an atrocity that happened in my country. And all for a governor position??? It’s insanity. And it’s 54 people killed at last count.
On a happier note… is your lipstick pink? It looks pink!
What a great cause. I’m so glad you brought it to our attention.
Great dress, too!
Fantastic! And those chips look good, and so do you, you look fab! x
That dress looks seriously amazing.
Darling that is a gorgeous gown! you look abso-freaking-lutely fabulous in it!
I love your annual post on this event and your dress did not disappoint nor did the the fact fries were on your lips – did they pass!
I would never let anyone take a close-up photo of me in horrible, fast food chain lighting with a fry in my mouth but somehow you look great!