I don’t love being in front of a camera. I have one look: a big smile. If I don’t smile, my eyes are still smiling. If my eyes aren’t smiling, I look sad instead of serious or sexy. Plus I’m always disappointed that I don’t look like a young Sophia Loren in the pictures. Inside, I feel like a young Sophia Loren, but the somehow camera never captures that. Oh well. People say it’s inner beauty that counts and my inner beauty looks like Sophia. Believe.
I mention this because yesterday I participated in a photo shoot for a project that I will tell you about in a month or so. For now, it’s top secret. The photographer and other folks on the shoot were very patient and hopefully they got something usable.
Unfortunately, my insomnia is in rare form lately, so I got about three hours sleep the night before the shoot. I had to get up early to get an emergency manicure because I belatedly realized my nails were in terrible shape, which is a problem when you’re a jewelry designer who is showing off her rings. I rushed to the nail place in my gym clothes, rushed back, threw on a bunch of black clothing items and hopped a cab. The only thing that makes the outfit notable is the Moschino Cheap & Chic motorcycle jacket with giant trompe l’oeil stitching that I got on eBay relatively recently. I was yearning for a motorcycle jacket that was a bit more flattering than my oversize ’80s original. It was also about 4 a.m. when I was sniping and a lot of eBay auctions look like an excellent idea at that time of night.
In addition to the Moschino jacket, I’m wearing a Splendid t-shirt, Acne Generic Girl jeans and my Karl Lagerfeld shoes from the 1994 going-out-of-business sale of the Galeries Lafayette in New York. This is about as fancy as I get most days. It’s not always leopard gowns and faux-ny tails in my life! Well, I am wearing my own Gloriana necklace. That dresses it up just a tiny bit.
UPDATED TO ADD: This wasn’t what I wore AT the shoot, just to and from. I got to wear a beautiful black dress that didn’t have a label in it, so no one was sure who it was by. Too bad, because I’d run out and buy it if I knew.
Well, you look great here so I’m sure you did wonderfully.
I’m going to mug you for that necklace one day.
love the jacket! excited to hear about the project
You are simply gorgeous. I’m glad you smile all the time!
You always look gorgeous! I LOVE that ensemble and am seriously coveting that fabulous jacket. Two thumbs up!
Me, too! I’m a smiler–I try doing the closed-lip smile a la Nicole Richie or the smoldering frown and I just look ridiculous. I have to smile big and wide!
I love the shoes, btw. Of course I’d notice the shoes! =D
Anti-spam word: GODDESS
That side-eye is one of my favorite of all time.
And there is nothing wrong with smizing (c)Tyra Banks. Apparently,there’s an official word for it now.
you look hot and cool
I love your big smile!
You look NYC Chic to me. LOVES the jacket
Why is it that whenever I hear “top secret” I need to know right away? I’m not nosey (I promise) but that phrase, it’s like catnip. Can’t wait to hear all about it 🙂
I love your big smile – it’s such a pretty one – no sense trying to hide it 😉
Hi there-Can’t wait to see the photos of the shoot in time and this Moschino jacket was such a fabulous find, a really stylish and timeless piece, well done!
Fab put together outfit – it disguises all signs of insomnia, put it this way I’d be a girl on the street giving you the Sophia Loren sideways look!
It is a darling outfit, I love the jacket. Thanks for sharing
I think young Sophia has nothing on you girl. You always rock it.
Can’t wait to hear about your project. Very exciting.
I love that pic of Loren and Mansfield so much, it’s been my Myspace profile pic for a year now (not that I even get on there anymore)!
I’m an awkward picture taker as well. There’s this point of no return with smiles that I end up looking like a hyper gerbil in most pics. Wish I could take pics and not have to give my face a second thought but of course, we can never be so lucky.
Your 4am eBaying turned out pretty well! Love the trousers rolled up!
Love Ur KL shoes, Wendy!
I think big smiles in photos are the best. Well, I have to think that because I am exactly the same. That photo Samantha took back in July makes me giggle because I can finally compare side by side and see that you actually have a bigger grin than me – which I never thought I would see.
Do you also get told to ‘cheer up love’ a lot in the street?
You be Sophia…I’ll be Ann Margaret!
I love your trousers (and jacket) a lot.
I hear you regarding smiling or not. I am the opposite, though: I look dumb when I smile, while my serious look is much more photogenic. What to do? I wish I had your big, natural smile!
Also, I did read your older post that you linked to, and I have to agree: nothing beats circular rouge… I’ll skip the lipstick teeth, though! 🙂
I think your jewelry could dress up pajamas! LOVE those shoes too. You wear insomnia well. You don’t even wanna see me after a sleepless night. It’s not pretty!
Your everyday outfits are always perfect. You get it right every time. This new jacket was worth the middle-of-the-night effort. I love the “contrast stitching.” It looks great on you!
Ahh, you lucky person! It is apparently almost impossible to catch me smiling on camera. It’s not that I don’t smile, they are just very quick smiles, and they die quickly, so I usually look like I’m trying not to cry. I can do smoldering half decently though, so I will survive.
I adore your outfit, those shoes are too divine!
1. You are GORGEOUS. All the time.
2. Sophia’s look in that picture is priceless- It makes me happy every time you mention it. and
3. If I were your photo shoot people I’d have given you the dress.
Looks like Sophia is in awe of Jayne’s breasts. Already curious to know more about the mystery photo shoot…
I love that side eye picture.
Poor you with that insomnia – I know it’s been really taking a toll. And let me say you look entirely like Sophia “energetically”. For what it’s worth, I look like Ava Gardner 🙂 Cannot wait to find out more of the deets about your top secret photo shoot.
Poochie better watch out, I’m like a heel biting chihuahua. I’ll get to that necklace first ;D
Can’t wait to hear more about the shoot. You look gorgeous, even with no sleep. I bet you didn’t need any makeup.
hi wendy! your smile is gorgeous! and the moschino jacket is fabulous.
and i cant wait to see the results of the photoshoot!
3 hours sleep? I wish I looked like that after 8!
Miss J is sorry to hear Miss Wendy has been afflicted by the insomnia. Miss J has been plagued by the same thing of late. Its too bad these hours can’t be put to productive use instead of fretting.
Despite her lack of sleep, Miss Wendy looks as fabulous as ever.
That jacket looks great on you–I don’t think the late-night sniping was such a terrible idea in this case. As for the top secret project, I can’t wait for the big reveal!
i wonder what my inner beauty would look like?? hmmmm….
well i’m excited to hear about your photo shoot and can’t wait to see what’s up with that! i basically just said the same thing twice in that sentence only in slightly different ways. WAY TO GO MONDAY! >:O
can’t wait to hear what is your new project and your moschino jacket is just snazzy!
you look gorgeous!
I can’t pull off the smile…I always look crazed or something
One of the best photos of all time. If it weren’t for the resemblance it would be impossible to believe Jayne Mansfield is Mariska Hargitay’s mother.
Keeping us in suspense, eh? Look at you in that crazy jacket. Very WB.
Wow, Sophia Loren has a look that could kill–and we’re not talking about killing with kindness. Ouch. (Love your look!)
You look amazing! That outfit is super. Sorry about the insomnia. 🙁
well you look better than sophia giving the side eye!
and 1000 times better than me when i have SIX hours of sleep!
omg you do a swandive in jayne’s cleavage!
honey love those heels! hot hot hot! glad to hear the shoot went well! cant wait to see images.
heart that image of sophia loren giving the evil eye!
you really do look so gorgeous!!!
i love everything you wear!
great rings below too btw!
i know i know i neeeed to write you back still contemplating it’s so hard!
<3 hope you had a great halloween!
look at you missy in that side eye pic lol
great jacket!
oh WB, you look fabulous! Where was The Sartorialist?
BTW, my anti-spam word was broadway. kinda funny, huh?
That’s you on LITTLE Sleep? Uhm, stunning hello!!
And that little diddy with the trompe l’oeil stitching was a fabulous find – love this.
I think the red lips are your secret weapon for sleepless beauty!
Love your shoes and your necklace! I think Sophia was looking at Jane’s boobs because hers was uhurmm…demurely covered? 😉
Please show us a non-smiley face!!!
I wanna see..
I have a horrific smile and try not to accost people with it too often! You however have a glorious, generous, enviable smile.
I love that photo of Sophie and Jayne. She’s like “yeah alright love, put them away eh?”.
Love your outfit! Sophia and her girls are still here, Jayne not- so you win, Sopf.
Your smile has become your signature, and it’s a lovely one at that! Also: loving you in those Acne jeans. Work!
P.S. Yes tomatoes are slippery suckers indeed.
Great look! Love the Moschino jacket, very chic.