Now that my Patrick Kelly dress — previously declared by WWD to be a fashion disaster — went over so well at the IFB Dress-Up Soiree, I feel emboldened to pursue the gown of my dreams. And that, my friends, is the drapery dress, complete with curtain rods, worn by Carol Burnett in her role as Starlett O’Hara in “Went With the Wind.” What, you don’t think I could pull this off?

Starlett O'Hara impressing Rat Butler with the greatest gown of all time.
Whether you were too young to have seen the Carol Burnett show the first time around or you haven’t seen this classic skit in 30-something years, you owe it to yourself to watch it now. Vicki Lawrence as Sissy is my favorite. The gown bit comes at about 3:20 in the second clip. Enjoy!
If anyone can pull off that dress, it’s you.
And I just saw Carol Burnett on an episode of Law and Order: SVU. It was a very disturbing one…
I heart the dress you’re wearing in the earlier post. And the second video 😀
I knuwwwwwwwwwwwww, totally feeling ya grl! That show is hilarious!
One Love,
Fantastic! x
I love it…! Of course you can pull this outfit off, curtain rods and everything – just be careful so as to not smack people in their faces! It reminds me of Maggie Gyllenhaal in “Secretary”, but not as mousy and un-stylish of course!
I LOVE Carol Burnett, she is the best! PS – There’s an award over at ESD for you xxx lots of love xxx
lol this is hilarious! i remember watching GWTW for the first time at like the age of 10 and being utterly in awe and confused all at the same time.
This is, hands down, my favorite Carol Burnett bit. And that’s saying something. She’s a flippin’ genius, if you ask me.
And yes, if anyone could pull off the drapery dress, it’s YOU!
I should be too young to have seen the Carol Burnett show, but I have seen it, I loved it (reruns) when I was a kid, and my most memorable halloween costume ever was Carol Burnett (wig, bathrobe) none of the kids got it, but the grown-up’s all gave me extra candy that year.
I’ve seen this skit! It is tooo funny.
You could definately pull off that dress. If you can pull off a skin tight leopard print dress then this one should be a cinch.
Great episode of Carol Burnett. I loved that show. Ah nostalgia…how great it is.
I love that skit. Just looking at this photo made me snicker!
One of Miss J’s favorite sketches of ALL TIME. She’d like to see WendyB rock this look, but with the “one shoulder” that is so signature WendyB.
Carol Burnett is a comedic genius!
Love the new profile pic, btw!
I’ll never forget this one….almost pee’d my pants back then. (oh too much info…)
so funny!!!!!
Now that you have mentioned this, you do really need to find that dress.
Love Carol Burnett – so awesome of you to remind us of her comedic genius!!
that is one of my all time favorite carol burnette skits ever!
i draped myself in curtains for a long time after seeing that…
you have to get it.
Oh I NEED to see that dress on you!
Left you an award today, because you my dear, are fabulous 🙂
haha! I’m a bit young for it but watched on reruns withmy fam when I was young. 🙂
Dude, you could totally pull it off! 🙂
Oh, that skit is BRILLIANT!!! I never get tired of watching it!
CB was genius! I actually saw that skit BEFORE ever seeing GWTW. Somehow the original never quite measured up to the “homage.”
You. Go. Girl. ::nods::
That skit is great!! loved it. Hope all is well gorgeous
Hilarious! Every time I need a smile, I know what blog to visit. 🙂
Oh boy, more memory lane! I used to watch this show back when it was in production, and there were new episodes. Why isn’t ALN or Nick at Nite running the reruns?
Back then, this would have gone over my head, because I hadn’t yet seen the movie. I didn’t see GWTW until about ten years ago, can you imagine?
And I wanted that drape dress, too.
wow wow..i want to see that dress on you!!!!!!!!!
The gown is fierce, miss Wendy. It’s like Rick Owens meets Alexander McQueen meets Bruno! lol. Can’t wait to see you in that! 🙂 besos!
Man I miss that show. I heart her.
I love those pieces from movies that you never forget. I had always wished I could find a long button-down like Uma Thurman’s in Pulp Fiction.
Not only could you pull that off, but you’d look wonderful doing it.
Now then… what sort of jewelry would you wear? Diamond studded drapery pulls?
If anyone could carry of the drapery dress today, it would undoubtedly be you, WendyB. As far as accessories go, be sure to include strings and strings of those battery-operated tiny clear rice lights, on twinkle setting, ’cause my Mama always says, “Tacky is a tacky does!”
Oh, shoot. I meant to say, “Tacky is as tacky does!” Well, I surely did illustrate tacky, though, didn’t I?
Two things:
1) The Consort is more convinced than ever you two are twins separated at birth (and by a few years), your photo of the Drapery Rod Dress is what did it, precisely his cup of tea. (For a post, not his wardrobe. Honestly. Heh-heh-heh.)
2) With the word verification for today being ‘BERGDORF’ I am now convinced you are able to personally select or designate the word. Too cool.
Grins & Giggles Miss Wendy,
PS: The zipper dress is beyond darling on you.