It’s my gorgeous sister Terri Berry’s birthday today! I was recently going through some photos from my wedding in July 2001 and would like to share this one of the Berry clowning around in front of me, our parents and the about-to-be-MrB. She had that navy gown already and had only worn it once before, so I did my whole wedding color scheme around her dress. Doesn’t she look beautiful?

July 22, 2001
Tomorrow is MrB’s birthday. I missed a great MrB photo op at the belated-anniversary dinner that our designing friend Zang Toi threw at his apartment for us last night. As MrB and I left for the dinner, I realized I had forgotten my camera. I decided not to go back up and get it, since we were running a few minutes late. Also, what could possibly happen the one time I go out without a camera? The hottest party I’ve ever been to, that’s what! Literally: Zang’s garlic bread caught on fire in the oven. While one of the party called 911, MrB heroically doused the flames with the hallway fire extinguisher. Moments later, three physically impressive New York City firefighters in full regalia stormed in to find MrB, eight ladies and one mini-kilt-wearing designer fanning smoke out the windows.Β “Are youse okay?” they asked, making Zang repeat his name a couple of times before departing through the flock of ladies, who had left the windows to admire the firemen up close.
Seeing as I don’t have pictures of the fiery garlic bread, MrB saving the day orΒ Zang and his three unexpected but very attractive dates, I’ll just post the cover of the 2010 New York City Firefighters Calendar.
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of each calendar benefits the Staten Island Burn Center. It’s a great cause, so get your sex-ay firefighter calendar today!
I swear I will never go out to dinner without my camera again.Β I will definitely have it with me on August 19, when I’ll be in Los Angeles taking a bunch of bloggers out to eat. If you’re in or near L.A., you’re invited! If you haven’t already spoken with me about this, holla at me now at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com and I’ll send you the details. Heh heh heh. I said HOTmail!
UPDATED TO ADD: What timing! A post on pretty fire extinguishers.
UPDATED AGAIN TO ADD: One of Zang’s peeps did take a few pictures late in the evening. Unfortunately, there are no firemen in this one, but you can see Zang, his guests and part of his lovely apartment. I’m peeking out over Zang’s head. Behind me is the kitchen where all the excitement happened.

After the fire.
I was just wondering about Ms. Berri and how’s she’s doing. How odd… Gorgeous photos.
I was going to say: Hey- you hung out with JLo when she used to be natural and pretty? But then I realized that was your sister π
I REALLY wish you had had a camera for that dinner. Sounds funny.
Left you an award on my blog. It’s a virgin one.
lol – what a cinematically comic scene! especially the vision of ZT in his mini-kilt trying to battle the flames! π
I’m moving to NYC and stealing your identity!
Happy Birthday, Mr. B!
And wow ~ I am totally crossing my fingers for you on a WB jewelry appearance in SATC!
Love it! Yes, like an AmEx – “don’t leave home without it!” Especially with your crazy life – you’re always running into fun things & people… π
Happy Birthday to Mr. B!
mr B what a hero! gotta love the firefighters………
whew, what a party!!! I have such a weakness for firemen…my only pre-blissfully-wed regret lol!
happy birthday to your loved ones…I wish that I could make it to your dinner party, but I am in a wedding the following weekend and have all sorts of pre-wedding stuff to do! can’t wait to see the photos!
I bought my mom the FDNY Firemen calendar a few years back and all her saucy, sixty year old friends started requesting them. Naughty seniors! π
That sounds like quite the part-ay.
Also, there’s a little uh….picture tribute….to you over on my blog. Kind of. Hee.
Wow, trust the party you are at to catch on fire and have hot firefighters show up at it.
You and your sister are GORGEOUS! I love that picture. =)
And what a night! Never leave your camera. Ever ever again. Nothing beats running into a group of hot fire fighters…in fact, I think a group of them may be going to lunch below where I work today….
And YAY for dinner!! Be jealous non-L.A. people! I’ll be there with camera and narrating the whole thing.
I’m in awe over the chandeliers. Your sis is gorg just like you and I spy a very beautiful headpiece on that bride!
Why do I have The Cure’s HOT HOT HOT!!! stuck in my head now?
Might I say the most exciting post?! I can only imagine what was going on, you didnt need a camera but a videocamera it seems.
I nearly didn’t read this post as it promised no firemen! But at least you found a pic of one.
Sounds like an excitement filled evening!
Congratulations on a “hot” party and a safe escape with a good story as a souvenir! BIL is a firefighter and had to rescue a couple pinned under a chandelier, naked.
big happy birthday wishes to your sis π
I love that photo of you all at the wedding!
I bet you’ll never set foot anywhere without a camera again.
Without a camera in tow, excitement is always bound to happen! Zang’s apartment is fabulous! And how sweet of you to build your theme around your sister’s dress, she looks stunning!!!
I have had a few times where I don’t have my camera and wind up regretting it.
Luck-ay Mr. B was along to save the day. Happy B-day to him.
Lovely sister you have! Great fire story, too.
Enjoy your LA trip!
Oh, wow! I thought I was seeing double. I wish I had a fabulous doppelganger sister but all I got was three stinky brothers.
That is some apartment. Or, more like a Petit Palais!
Happy Birthday to your sister and Mr B. I just love Leo’s Of course my hubby and my son have Bdays this week too π
LAWLZ! Geez, thats all I ever seem to comment on your blog nowadays.
I think your sister looks just like Phoebe Cates in that picture. Happy birthday, Mr. B.
Wow, what a night and MrB is a true hero!!
Wow! I see Beauty is in the GENES!
Many Wishes of Happiness to your sister and Mr. B !
P.S. Although it is not your Birthday, I wish you Happiness too! Oh and that FireFighter calendar is Smokin Hot!!!
Hilarious! And also so glamorous too. That’s why you need your gorgeous wardrobe!
OMG Zang’s apartment is beautiful, even without the handsome firemen in in it. Happy Birthday to MrB and SisterB as well!!!
Wendy, that’s a gorgeous picture! It could be of you ‘cos you sisters are so gorgeously similar.
Happy Birthday Terri Berry! (or to be more accurate, Mr. B as I am commenting a day late).
Oh and I love the ‘physically impressive’ line π x
Hey – my anti-spam word was lipstick! Fabulous!
I love the top shot of you at the wedding too. Midnight is an elegant timeless colour.
I never leave the house without my camera either. (Including last night.) Sometimes that’s a challenge when you’re carrying a clutch but I will sacrifice the blackberry for my camera.
gorgeous! so gd to see you have such a close relationship with your sister! x
Happy Birthday wishes to all of the fabulous Leos in your life.
Oh and firemen? Hubba-hubba!
Looks really nice π
Birthday wishes!
The fur rug is so yummy…so is the fireman pix!
Fab weekend Wendy~
What a fun wedding picture!
P.S. Hope your sis had a wonderful birthday!
P.P.S. People really flipped over that ring, WB! Congrats!
you and your sister look so much a like!! what a cute photo!!
that dinner story is crazy!!! how funny!!!
wow, everyone’s having birthdays around you!
my ex-husband’s birthday is tomorrow, can we add that?
(i can’t believe i remembered)
aren’t you a fire sign too?
Nope, Jennine, I’m a Capricorn — earth sign. So you’re not sending your ex a dozen dead roses? π
Your sister is gorgeous. Happy, Happy Birthday!
Just for the record, men in uniform do not usually do much for me; however, I have a weakness for firefighters. Yum! π
you both look really beautiful & very alike! navy is a fabulous colour for a wedding, compliments so well with white/ivory
you look so elegant!!!
Yes to fireman photos! x
Beautiful sister and her beautiful dress led to a beautiful wedding. What a story for your anniversary. And Happy B-day to MrB, the calm, cool and collected fire-man-handler! I can see it all in my mind’s eye, thanks to your wonderful description, WendyB.
Happy Birthday Terry Berry and Mr B. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to set my kitchen on fire. It’s kind of boring around here today.
You so should have taken your camera Mrs B! I hope Mr B had a fab birthday, certainly looks like a good time was being had.
PS – love your header, covetting that skull ring!
Gorgeous!! Love the photo of your sister! And that party looks super posh. Very jealous.
Looks fun, I can totally see the Gorgeous Cute genes were passed around in your family lol.. Happy B day to your sis!
Sis Terry is seriously gorgeous! 2 stunning sisters in one family – how lucky!
So wish you had ‘before’ pics to share – always bring the camera LOL!!