I’ve moved on from L.A. to Napa Valley. On the way, I stopped in San Francisco and had dinner with four gorgeous bloggers at NOPA.
From left to right: Catie of Cuffington, Annie of Poetic & Chic, Mai of Fashioni.st, Patti of CuteMess and me in my Francis sailor dress.
In Napa Valley, I helped myself to pretend wine at a pretend meal, while wearing my Castelbajac Lego dress …
… and visited Francis Ford Coppola’s Rubicon winery …
… and had lunch at Auberge du Soleil, where I took a picture of my tomato salad to be like all the other bloggers who take pictures of their food. Peer pressure!
I also encountered this sign.
But it said nothing about pinching flowers, so I pinched one!
I am unrepentant about my flower-molesting ways. For previous flower pinches, click here, here, here, here and here. And there’s a case of ivy molestation here. Some men just want to watch the world burn. And some women just want to pinch flowers. Mwah ha ha ha!
LOL at the flower pinching.
PINCHER!!! I’m reporting you to the botany authorities.
Ok, no I’m not. I could never tell on you. LOL. I hope you had fun in Napa!!
i lovee lovee lovee that lego dress!
you look like you had funn from the pictures.
i love your dress and that salad looks delicious!
First, that’s a fine photo of your tomato salad. I’ll bet it tasted as good as it looks.
Second, ProPublica just got mentioned on “Anderson Cooper 360”–Reporter A.C. Thompson’s story about vigilantes in post-Katrina New Orleans.
Third–you’re a happy-flower-pincher if I ever saw one!
Don’t tell, but I sometimes wander the street where I live in the dark of night with secateurs!
Loveing your hair!
So, so jealous.
OMG – you are SO adorable and cute my friend : )
Aw, crap — you were in my town?!? If you come back, let me know!
Your new dresses are just gorgeous and the get together sounds great!!
What a DELICIOUS AND CHARMING post! Why it has the Fab ingredients of everything that’s spicy and sweet! Hmmm, solely TASTEFUL!!!:}
Get you with your lunch shot! I’m loving your tour…
haha! The last photo is sweet! 🙂 and I really love that lego dress! Whimsical but superb coolness!
I’m so delighted the dress wasn’t pretend because that would be tragic! 🙂
No I’m not jealous of Napa. Stupid wine. Grrr.
haha, flower pinching is the ethical alternative to bum pinching, non?
and totally psyching out over your Lego dress!
Those poor little pinched flowers. I can get behind pinching ivy or grape leaves. Or maybe pinching several grapes to make wine…
Your hair looks fabulous!
That lego dress is amazing! I love it!
Keep on pinching Wendy B!
Good morning Wendy! Really nice to meet up with fellow bloggers…you all look happy. I like your vivid Castelbajac Lego dress!
That winery is lovely. And I do molest flowers sometimes too!
Happy weekend to you.
I never manage to take any nice pics of my food. Or, to be honest, I never try. Maybe if I’d be in the company of other bloggers I might give it a go. I’m kind of feeling you salad now, makes me hungry.
And damn that lego dress is great! (BUt it made me think more of Duplo, you know, the bigger lego bits one plays with before lego since they’re non-swallowable. BUt either way, great dress.)
You are too cute! I swear, I thought I was going to read “wearing my pretend dress”…I was eek, what’s going on??? LOL, darn hotel internet slows down image loading. Lego dress much better than pretend dress 🙂
The way you pinch flowers, I squish gummy candies – through their packs of course. S is horrified when I do it the grocery, I smell his embarassment even. I can’t help though…as I’m sure you can’t 😉
the lego dress is amazing!
Way to submit to peer pressure! Next time take a photo of dessert, ok?
That tomato salad looks very appetizing. Now I see why people photograph their food.
The Lego dress is so wild, I really love it.
Have fun in wino country. Oops, did I say “wino?” I meant “wine,” of course!
haha- tooooo cute.
PS: Neimans as my anti-spam word?? Is this a hint that I need to shop more??
Great photos! Thanks for sharing! Lots Of Love and enjoy! xxxx
You apply lipstick like a pro, and I have to ask what color that is; it seems to be one of those universal shades that every woman must know about, unless it is a WB trade secret!
love the lego dress. Napa is so much fun,i havent been there this year, so wanna go before summers are over.
What a lovely trip:) and the tomato salad is making me hungry.
Suzanna, it’s Sheer Mulberry by Trish McEvoy, but I’m not sure they make it anymore 🙁
i saw a yellow donna karan version of ur very gorg glasses.. almost bought em but my face is too wide.. ur rocking em darling.. looks like fun times.. food esp.. lol..
While Miss Wendy is on the loose, no Cali flowers are safe.
You and your pinched flower are lovely, WB!
And I adore the Coppola winery ~ such a cool museum, and the wine ain’t bad either!
Fun times!
Naughty pincher. You could go one step further and attach a little calling card on a stick inserted into the ground of each pinch.
This wine is STRONG.
Pretty pics!
By the way, my anti-spam word is “beyotch”. Haha.
You excited about your best friend’s clothing line?
Rubicon print? Too cool! You’re an awesome flower-molesting, blogger meeting fiend!
“to be like all the other bloggers who take pictures of their food”… haha. ME. GUILTY!
That “flower-molesting” pic is too funny, you’re the only one who would ever coin such a phrase! Never in a million years would I ever consider that objects, and flowers in their utmost purity, can be molested!! =)
You look fab!
And haha, so far never have taken pics of my food, might just start after this *peer pressure* !
the dress and the tomato salad both look awesome : )
LOL-you’re hilarious! “flower pinching”-I’ve never heard of such a thing, but that’s so so funny!! This had me laughing outloud, hehehe. Very cute!
The pics are nice-looks like you had a really fun time! The food sure looks delicious <3
xox, mavi
haha yes I also laughed at the flower pinching!
I adore that lego dress, it’s so fun! I really like how you meet fellow bloggers on a semi-regular basis! After meeting a few at the Arcadia press event, I want to do it more often! Also, the food pics are a must!
your food photo looks great! 🙂
1) Your hair looks great
2) When are you doing a tour of the midwest
3) My word verif is Neimans. I have my husbands credit card. Should I take this as a sign???
KT, my word verication is “buy a ring.” THAT’S the sign.
I don’t know how you made Beatle shades look hot, but you did. Next up methinks you should head down to Florida. Ah ha
hey !I’ve checked out your jewelry line, and , meh, i love the skull rings !! I sooooo want them !
You HAD to pinch that flower – it goes beautifully with your lipstick!