Come in, sit down, take a load off your feet! Can I get you a drink? Will you have a bite to eat? Please help yourself to the bagels and lox.
Thanks for joining me in my new neighborhood, which is part of my main website domain. My new, easier-to-remember URL is The old Blogspot blog will, with any luck, redirect here, but if any of you bloggers would like to update your blog rolls with the new address, that would be nice, too. If you follow me on Google Reader, definitely update with the new address.
All the content from the old blog has been migrated here. Hopefully, so have all the links. If you have disappeared from my blog roll (or if you were never on it and think that you should be) or you see anything that’s not working, please let me know in the comments here. If you have a question — whether it’s about the new look of the blog, what I think of the use of steroids in sports, whether you can buy some jewelry, what books you should read, or if you should leave your significant other — feel free to ask via the comments or by emailing me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com. (If you’re going to ask to borrow money, however, the answer is, “No.” Sorry.)
Feel free to stick around for coffee and dessert!
UPDATE TO ADD: Thanks for the love, Princess Poochie!
I love the redesign. It’s so svelte!
As lovely and fucking awesome as the lady who writes it. You’re not going to stop the profanity on account of it being all corporate and such…are you?
Oh wow; your new website looks amazing! Good work. :] & welcome to WordPress!
Congrats! Love the new updated blog! (But for a sec I though I stumbled upon a new food blog.) Can I get a toasted bagel with a smear to go?
Looks amazing, totally jealous but in that I am happy for you kind of way. I can only imagine how much work this took. I bet it feels nice for it to be totally worth it.
Yay! This looks amazing! Nice work lady. xx
Well, what a nice new home you have here, Wendy! I would normally remove my shoes but I bet your rule is if they’re fabulous, they stay. (I’m really barefoot but let’s pretend I’m wearing some current season Balmains.
And here’s some more love for your blogroll:
The new blog looks great Wendy! And so does that dessert, damn me for swearing off sweets for the summer…
It’s beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful!!!!! Love the redesign, lovie!
Your new home is gorgeous! I’m totally craving a bagel with lox and cream cheese now.
Great new design!! God, I really want a bagel and lox now!
Love your new layout! And thanks for the bagel and lox…they hit the spot.
Wow! It looks fabulous! Hmmm, might be tempted to try WordPress another time. That and a brownie!
The redesign is gorgeous–good job! And ooh, I think I might have one of those delectable-looking brownies for the road.
P.S. Updating my link on my blogroll now!
Wow, and we get to see the jewelry at the top. Very very elegant and professional looking. Great job!
Nice look. I may e-mail you some techy questions out of curiousity. But they will bore everyone else, so I’ll keep them private.
Nice new look! I’d have a brownie but I’m trying to eat less baked goods….ah! You have that stalker-catcher thingy in your sidebar!
your new blog is so elegant and beautiful, very similar to your jewelry!
What a gorgeous new site!! Love it! Thanks for the snacks 🙂
site looks great!
I’m newly gluten free and haven’t had a bagel and lox in 3 months!! You photo is like torture and food porn all in one!
YAY! I LOVE THIS PLACE. And free food, too? How fab.
looking good! I’m going to have to do this one day soon myself – I hope it wasn’t too painful.
I came for cheese and crackas!!! Congrats on your move. Self hosted blogs are SEXY!!!
Congratulations on the launch of your new blog!
It looks beautiful. Everything looks like it’s working fine, and the lox are superb.
Now: I need to borrow $20K. How about it?
OH WENDY it’ lovely! I love it, you have a very cosy place here
I was going to bring you a gift, of new cute pair of undewear, but then I thought “whats the point???”
Wendy, the new site looks great! And I think I was hypnotized by that damn lox bagel for a good 30 seconds. I hope no one in the office noticed….
I adore the new layout! Not to say the old one was bad, but this one is even awesomer!
I love any hostess who offers brownies.
And I love the new site 🙂
La C.
OMG! This blog design solely rolls! I LUV it !!!
p.s. I sure wish I could savor these delicious delights with my mouth instead of my eyes!!!
Oh, I love when people have house warming parties. Excuse me, I took the second brownine for…uh…my husband. Yeah, that’s right. But the second bottle of wine I took, that’s for me baby!
Lovely new site Wendy. I wonder how we start getting cuter avatars up there? And could you please put me on your blogroll – very sad I am not there 🙁
How funny my anti-spam word is MOVE and that is what you have done. Moved out of the regular blogesphere into a fantastic new home. Love the new format. BTW – Can’t wait to get my dress!!!
It look great! Congrats on your new site!
Love how clean the blog looks…it doens’t have a lot of visual distractions.
Loving it!
It looks great!!!!!!
Dessert? I will be back again for sure!
blog looks great. chocolate brownies from zabars?
i’m in. 🙂
Looks so fab and that skull ring rocks!
Gorgeous dah-ling! So sophisticated and chic—well, like you!
I like your new design! It really showcases your jewelry!
The website is absolutely gorgeous, a great setting and very professional looking and stylish, well done!!
omgggz wendy this is GORGEOUS!!!
somehow i feel a little embarrassed coming over from my blogspot to your stunnerama new site x
Hi! I’ve been a fan for a year now. Love the new design, especially the header that has your jewelry on showcase!
LOVE the new digs, WendyB! Have updated my blogroll to point folks here …
I love your new place…when are you inviting me over for cocktails?
New blog…so worth the wait!
I love the new diggs! I’ve been having a great time reading your posts, especially since the weather has been so wretched. I started building an ark…want to help me collect animals? We can give them all lavendar sleep masks.
I love what you’ve done with the place Wendy. Can i have some more brownies, those were Delicious!!