If you like the Rachel Roy dress recently worn by Michelle Obama, today is your lucky day. Bergdorf Goodman has new markdowns, bringing the price of this particular piece down to $358.50, from the original $1,195. Wow!
UPDATED TO ADD: Speaking of good sales, I have a special price on a great Francis dress for my blog roll bitches. If you’re my bitch and you like dresses, holla at me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com to find out more … including which dress it is!
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That’s ridiculously low!
Wow, that’s a huge discount for a cute dress!
If I had impressive arms like Michelle I might be tempted, but alas.
awesome dress
read your post from yesterday, totally agree, those things all irritated the hell out of me. I feel bad for those who loved michael & farrah, but neither death affected me or was very unexpected
OMG! Rachel Roy too – Wow this is solely a fashion fabulous bargain! p.s. you made me laugh with the angry model saying – she does look like she’s ready to bite someone’s head off!
wow! that’s quite a sale
Hi there-what a fabulous reduction on a lovely dress!
Wow, she does look angry.
Thanks for the Bare Necessities tip. They have a UK site but sadly don’t seem to sell slips. I think I’m just going to wear a different dress now and temporarily solve the shoe/slip problem.
Ha, she really doesn’t look very friendly!
Very elegant, great discount!
Thank You for stopping by PFS and leaving your comments :0)
Keep Sharing!!
Will this also transform my arms into wiry wonders?
are you shooting yourself in the foot by buying the same dress she wore? theres one thing trying to dress in her style and another dressing just like her.
on a side note, my anti spam word was “ikea” and I somehow seem to find that too funny
Thanks for the link, WendyB, so that I could see the dress on Mrs. Obama. I like that woman’s way of living.
Thanks for sharing this pretty dress.
Thanks for your sweet comments and look forward to your future post! 🙂
Agh what a cut ..if only!
Haha, angry model not included . . .
That dress is a steal. Totally not my style and thank god for that. I’ve bought way too much lately for my pathetic budget.
spectacular discount!
yes, that is an angry model! she should be happy in such an expensive dress!
If you pay extra, does the model wipe the scowl off her face?
Sweet deal, darling! Thanks for pointing it out!
“Angry model not inlcuded” ~ hysterical, WB! (Per usual!)
I don’t want it if I won’t look like an angry model. Oh wait, clothes don’t work like that? Can I make some returns? Like, everything I ever bought… thanks.
That is one good-looking dress Miss Wendy, although WHY you think the model looks ANGRY is beyond me. HONESTLY! (hee-hee-hee.)
Have a great top of the week!
The rings on your banner are stunning!
wow, what a serious discount!