A good squirrel is one you can wear around your neck.
WendyB’s haiku-inspiring silver Squirrel Necklace is available for $125
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Click photo to purchase
A bad squirrel is one that invades my personal space while I am sitting outside minding my own damn business.
“That is close enough, buddy.”
UPDATED TO ADD: Note the horrible bald patches on the squirrel in the last photo. Also, I was not zooming in! He was really that close. Him and his mange.
I adore squirrels. Adorable!
I love this necklace. Squirrels are so incredibly scary, but yours is so sweet!
I'm afraid.
Here in NC we think of squirrels differently. Ours are cute and frolic in the clover along with the bunnies and birds.
oooh, scary. He looks a lot like the one that tortures my cats on the fire escape, strutting around with his big fluffy tail. These city squirrels are nervy.
Hi there-he's cute, but I've heard they can be vicious too, LOL!
That squirrel necklace is adorable!
There are no bad squirrels. It is juts the bad nuts that make them go bad. Macadamia nuts are, as I am sure you know, a gateway drug.
Aww, cute squirrel!
A bad squirrel steals your nuts! I haven't been the same ever since…cute, furry bastard…
this is such a gorgeous piece,
I havea a soft spot for squirrels
(or scribbles as I used to think they were)
ohmigod adorable!
We Were Damsels
We have black squirrels in southeastern NC, and they are GINORMOUS. And they will CHASE YOU. Not cool squirrels!!
clearly i need this necklace haha
Cute little rodent LOL!
Cheeky rodent! Overcurious squirrels can be downright alarming.
There was a squirrel all of 2 feel from me when I was on a swing set in a sand box 2 weeks ago.
Very brazen of that squirrel.
Squirrels are cool as long as they don't eat all the tomato plants… and they do.
the necklace is lovely, in real life, its probable i would run off if one came that close..
Squirrels are getting far to comfortable in human company lately…
YES the Clothes Horse is too right. It's the sign of the apocalpse!
But the necklace is adorable. It looks almost as wonderful as my perfect woolf.
I would buy your necklace in a minute if I didn't hate squirrels so much!
this happened to us in London, way too friendly squirrels.
Hope you and your hand are doing better!
I swear I'm not lying when I tell you that I've made a squirrel sculpture.
Actually someone else did the art, sculpted it and molded it but I was in charge.
This post is both hysterical and adorable! Why do NYC squirrels alway shave a bald spot??
Your necklace is fab, WB!
This squirrel looks like he learned his brazen tactics from his many cousins at the University of British Columbia.
P.S. Still loving my squirrel necklace!
Such a cute necklace! xoxoxo
not averse to cuter members of order Rodentia as you know. But mangey rabid urban bad ass street squirrels I am not so fond of.
Little cute necklace squirrel = good.
Poor little mangy squirrel!
That squirrely necklace is still super adorable. My resistance to spending money is wearing away …
Super cute necklaces!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
i totally agree! i was attacked by a squirrel once in college. i was outside cramming for finals, eating a snickers bar and drinking a pepsi. that damn squirrel climbed up my back and tried to nab my candy bar. I WENT BERSERK. i think they are very suspicious creatures, but i can handle them in jewelry format. 😉
Hee hee hee, when I first read the opening sentence before the photo had loaded I thought- 'Oh, Wendy's brave putting fur on her blog!'
I liked what I saw even better, very humorous,very cute.
Squirrels are just rats in cuter outfits… 😉
Very cute necklace! And I don't appreciate bold squirrels, either.
i didn't even know you *had* another blog! but i'm going there now, please don't egg my house! 🙂
also, i have never seen a real squirrel! i'm a bit jealous (much to your amusement i'm sure!) they are so cute!
Rats with bushy tails, WendyB! Well, except for the one on your necklace- that's just cute!
Dip it in silver and put it on a chain – it could be the next evolution of your jewellery line – the taxidermy collection.
lol, nope, i don't think i've ever seen a platypus either! (except in a zoo…) they're a bit shy. i guess possums would be the closest thing we have to squirrels. they're bloody everywhere. one mistook my leg for a tree one – bloody hurt! they are quite cute though:
Oh, that's the squirrel! Lol, poor little mangey thing..
Aww both the real life squirrel and the pendant are adorable. x
dude ny squirrels have guts!
he's about to mug you for your powerbar!
i'd be afraid too.
So, I'm guessing that the good-looking squirrel necklace is sort like that old saw, If the horse bucks you off, get right back on. Or something like that. I mean you've brilliantly overcome your exposure to the balding city squirrel, WendyB. Way to go!
so cutie pie waowww
bonne nuit
la chauve-souris
The only difference between a squirrel and a rat is a fluffy tail. Yuck.
oh my god, where have you been all my life!? seriously a squirrel on a chain? we have to chat. i'm off to find your shop.
You really should move down South. The squirrels here are big and fat and will share some nuts with you. Wait…that's the local drunk guy. I always get them confused. My bad.
that necklace is soooo cute! what a genius idea for a charm necklace.
aw I love squirrels! down here at the beach they let you get so close to them, they’re like little troublemakers running around on the sand! I <3 them.
Aww that is one cute squirrel. Pretty tame too! Hope his/her fur gets “better” soon!