My adorable designer friend Zang Toi and I had a joint sample sale at his showroom yesterday. Zang was wearing one of his mini-kilts in honor of the occasion.
I got him to show off the cityscape cape that I obsessed about here.
But now I’m even more in love with this spectacular gown depicting the Hearst tower and the Time Warner building.
Later, Zang’s gorgeous client, Deepa Pakianathan, came in to pick up a sex-ay minidress that she was wearing to an event that night.

Thanks to Zang for having me! Thanks also to Melissa, Kathy, Jane, Janet, Karen, Libby, Rose Marie, Ravi and Tina for their support. And, last but not least, thanks to my gorgeous assistant GeorgeB, who proudly showed off his Genie in a Bottle cufflinks to all the customers. But maybe GeorgeB should be thanking me since he had such a great time watching pretty ladies come out of the dressing room in pretty dresses. He told Zang that he’d be happy to come by the showroom again.
Separately, thanks to handsome blogger Dr. Zibbs for mentioning me on That Blue Yak today. Bookmark his blog, y’all. He’s a funny guy.
UPDATED TO ADD: If you’re in NYC tonight and don’t have plans, put on your party hat and go to Tulips & Pansies Headdress the Affair. The event raises money for Village Care of New York, a community-based, not-for-profit service organization serving older adults, persons living with HIV/AIDS and individuals in need of medical and rehabilitation services. For the event, designers work with top florists to create out-of-this-world headdresses made of plants and flowers. I’ve seen a picture of Zang’s entry and it is going to blow everyone away!
Zang looks better wearing a mini-skirt/kilt than I ever could!
Now that’s a twist on architectural design!
He is the cutest thing ever.
Holy cats, Zang looks like he’s got enough energy to power several small cities! And what a fantastic grin. Wish I could’ve been there to sample both of your samples …
You look FABULOUS in that coat!!
Love his designs, absolutely gorgeous. He’s rocking that kilt.
Hi there-looks like you had a fabulous time, his creations are just stunning!
the cape is just too cool. and zang is so adorable…he has the cutest smile!.
Love his designs. He looks so happy, energetic and fun. GeorgeB’s comments are just too cute for words!
Zang looks like a really happy man. Good energy! Also: how fierce is that lady in the minidress? Work! Sounds like you had an amazing time at the sale. And the Tulips and Pansies event: HOW AMAZING. Can’t wait to see pictures!
Loved the minidress.
You looked damn cute in that coat too.
Mmm… A joint sale… Miss J is sorry she missed it.
The dress Miss Melissa is wearing looks TOO fab on her.
Zang is too cool.
I’m still obsessed with the cape too. It’s AWESOME. I’m becoming obsessed with all of Zang’s creations.
Zang has the cutest smile ever! The Hearst dress is really beautiful. I think his cape should be in a museum, it’s awesome.
You’ve never seen me because this is my first visit, compliments of TBY.
wasn’t he on the real housewives of NYC? That coat is ah-mazing!
zibbs was right, you are a real hoot! great blog!
That cityscape dress is amazing!
So cool that you are friends with ZT, WB! Wow!
Love that coat you are wearing… fabulous!
And that zig zag dress you linked is amazing as well – thanks!
That cape is just as breathtaking as ever! And if you do get to wear the Time Warner/Hearst building dress I demand a blog post complete with pictures. 🙂
Those pieces are works of art! Sounds like a really fun night, Wendy! I want that cape!!!
ahahaha CUTE! My ex was scottish and wore a kilt on occasion but this fellow just rocks it like my nasty ex never could!
Thank you so much for your nice comment on my blog! It is much appreciated.
such unique fashions and I love your bold coat Wendy
Your jacket is beyond gorgeous. I love it!
I also love the cityscape dress because it isn’t totally obvious in it’s design but you can see what it is. If that makes sense.
And YAY for guys who wear kilts. 🙂
You gotta love a man in a kilt! I might be playing favorites, but I do prefer your legs. Anyway, I think you should do a photoshoot in the Hearst tower dress while holding a signature drink 🙂
Someday, I hope to visit Z in his studio with you.
I will take and kilt and the tiger coat, please.
Please tell me you got that AWESOME coat. It has some serious attitude, and so suits both you and Zang poifectly!
wow. this reminds me of the segment of Real housewives NYC where Zang makes a cameo. he’s such a character! you must have so much fun whenever you guys are together 😀
Ahh he looks so happy! That cityscape cape is pretty amazing. Wow get you in that jacket! You look completely fantastic!
That mini and gown are showstoppers!
That cape & gown are absolutely incredible! LOVED the Decades blue sequinned dress you wore in your previous post, so so stunning!
Zang looks like the bomb, absolutely darling and a laugh riot at the same time! And to have that incredible fabric that I am also obsessing over is simply too much from one human being!
Your modeling skills show once again Miss Wendy, you are simply too cute! I have read such fabulous things about the Tulips & Pansies event, it must be an amazing event.
Hugs at you,
Cityscpae clothing is genius.
oh, love that cape too!
That cape looks so cool and you look great with the coat!
love you in the tiger-print jacket. he’s really quite brilliant!
These pics are so fun, and that gown is stunning!
xo, Becs
Meow!! Love the tiger print jacket.
Wow..those are beutifull dresses!
Check out mine,if u dont mind.
i LOVE that coat
Ahh, I loved seeing Zang on the Real Housewives! Love that Hearst/Time Warner gown- soo original and amazing!!
what ab images darling! love the one of you and Zang!
muah x