What’s the appropriate reaction when someone’s personal story is weirdly similar to a scene from a movie? Do I assume it’s a genuine case of life imitating art? Or do I give in to my urge for a small popcorn and a medium Diet Coke?
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Erm . . . depending on how good the movie is, I guess you would point it out or hastily change the subject.
Spoiler Alert!! I’d tell them the ending.
You should tell them! And then go watch the movie together. Unless it was something really devastating or sad.
I’m with Jill – I would cut straight through to the ending.
Is it Sabina or Tereza that you need to warn?
or is someone else about to invade The Czech Republic?
I went to Prague in 1988 BECAUSE of this movie. (then we found out it was filmed in Paris -natch!)
Hi there-sounds intriguing my dear!! Have a great Sunday!
Depending on the age of the story and the movie, it could be art imitating life.
Jill’s comment is perfect! As is that link.
What’s the appropriate reaction at having just written a blog post using a take on ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Being’ and then coming here to find a reference? I’m mystified. Are we all the same damned person? By the way, this is one of the few films I’ve walked out of in complete boredom. I would never do this to your blog though.
Man, it seems like just yesterday I was crawling around all sexy-like in lingerie looking all sassy and come-hither….. Oh, maybe that wasn’t me after all.
simple- Contact the best lawyer in town ASAP! 😉
I would find it so strange…Possibly art imitating life? I would find it hard to shake off the movie references…
That would be bizarre…. not sure what we would do!
I’m not sure…but I would probably tell them about the scene in the movie and wait to see how they respond.
Order popcorn and soda and watch the credits to discover screenwriter’s name.
It’s always proper to give in to Diet Coke and popcorn.
Just scream “As if!” and walk away.
you could say, “you know who could play you in a movie? oh, what’s the name of the actress? i am blanking on her name, but she was in that movie — you know, the one about. oh, wait, that’s so crazy, it’s like your life!”
The movie “Control” is eerily similar to a certain time in my life. One day, I’ll write a book about it.