I’ve mentioned Prada nearly 30 times on this blog, but Miuccia hasn’t sent a thank-you note, let alone a fabulous bag. I’ve mentioned “2 in 1 Shampoo Plus Conditioner” Pert Plus one time and the publicist immediately sent me eight bottles of the stuff. I’m sure there’s a lesson to be learned from this. Let me know if you figure it out. I am too busy signing up test subjects for the full range of Pert Plus products.
I normally use Medium (for normal hair) but I will switch to Thick ‘n Full (for extra volume) as an experiment. MrB will get Pert Plus for Men in the Thickening formula, and I will monitor his hair for any signs of extra fluffiness. I will have to find some people to test the anti-dandruff formulas. I feel that might lead to some awkward conversations. You know, when the person doesn’t realize he has dandruff and you offer the cure anyway? That often ends badly. So, if you accept that you have dandruff and want to try a new shampoo, let me know. I promise to protect your anonymity. Maybe I’ll try it, actually. Just to be on the safe side. Who knows what people aren’t telling me.
I’ll report back with the results as they become evident. Stay tuned.
By the way, gorgeous blogger La Belette Rouge told me she used to wash Inkey the cat with Pert Plus and his hair always looked fabulous.
Fashion Herald, the question about how shampoo + conditioner works is a common one. I think it’s neat how much science is behind the 2-in-1 formulas.
Girl Japan, thanks for the shout-out. Oh and check out products with pyrithione zinc (it fights dandruff).
~ Nicole for Pert Plus