The rage for studs is still going strong. (Am I the only one not attempting a DIY “Balmain” blazer?) Of course, this isn’t the first time around for the studded look. Check out this 1990 Moschino leather jacket, just sold atA Katy Kane Vintage & Couture Clothing for $975.
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Oh, I saw a kid on lookbook with his own. I love that jacket! found it again here:
but its painted not studs.
Ooo fun. Too bad I really suck at DIY haha
Trisch xo
That peace sign definitely belongs to Moschino…& the world! ~Peace!!
I would totally rock that look.
Erin Wasson should buy it!
Hi there-thats a stunning find, love it!
I still have my studded belts from 1983, they fit as bracelets now…
I can see it now with a plaid shirt.. cream lace dress… or a floral tea dress…
that’s fun – i love it.
xoxo: Janet
Where did you get a picture of my wedding dress?
I hope YOU are the one that jacket sold to!
I just bought a silly, white vinyl studded belt for $14.95. I wear it all the time.
hm i dont think you’re the only one! i like studded but then i dont own anything studded or even attempted DIY. im just lazy though hehe:) x
Oh wow, what an amazing find! You’re not the only one…I’m too impatient to attempt anything like that!
everyone once in a while I see one’s like this on eBay sell for less
Hello Wendy B!!
Oh I love it! LOVE IT!
My high school boyfriend had a similar jacket, except minus the peace symbol, studs, and belt. His had skeleton drinking a beer spray painted on the back instead. Otherwise they are identical!
Haha I’m doing my best to avoid the studs =) Cool jackets though!
I really like this look. I’d prefer the jacket without the peace sign on the back though. I’m too lazy to DIY this…plus I would have to buy a leather jacket to DIY!
we don’t see moschino with stuff like this anymore. i have a versace very similar.
No, you’re not the only one not attempting Balmain – I don’t really care for it, but I do like that jacket.
That peace sign in studs is crazy!
What you looking at, stud?
i think studs are fine in moderation. or as accents – ie: my beloved wendy nichols stud earrings. i do like the DIY component, though!
Really cool!
I can confidently say that I will never attempt a DIY Balmain studded blazer!
I’m more into BIY (Buy It Yourself). Hee hee. Anyway, the peace sign on the back ruins this jacket for me.
I’d like it better without the peace symbol on the back. I have a pesonal aversion to peace symbols and always have.
I do like the studding along the jacket edges though.
I like the looks of that jacket, WendyB. There’s one at Vintage Designer Clothing that makes me think of you–I don’t know the size you wear, so I hope it’s not too big–it’s black at the shoulders, white through the middle and has red at the bottom of the sleeves and in some insets at the hem. Just thought you’d want to know–it’s $185.00.
I’d like it a lot better without the peace sign…for me at least…i’m sure it would look fab just as is on someone else! 🙂 D
I really want that jacket, but i’m not sure about the peach sign on the back.
I quite like the cheesiness of the peace sign….
Nice Moschino-jacket! I actually ordered some pyramide studs online some time ago, I’ll probably pimp some of my old clothes this week!