This is SO many kinds of wrong. I think you need therapy.
Did you wake up in cold sweats, screaming?
miss sophiesays
yeah definite nightmare. sooo many bad possibilties there…
The Vegetable Assassinsays
Dude. Acid flashback? That is just wrong.
Did her “line” include one-legged pants? I know that’s mean but one just has to be mean to that she-devil, no?
Shrimpton Couturesays
ewww I actually physically recoiled from the screen LOL
Imogen Lamportsays
That is WAAAY to scary! Turn to prostitution before you do that!
Mademoiselle Frou-Frousays
uh-oh, that must be an omen!! not good!!! ;-D xox
Sister Wolfsays
I once dreamed that I was in possession of Jackie Kennedy’s severed head, which I kept in a hatbox.
La Belette Rougesays
Well, you’ll have a leg up on the competition.
Dream? More like nightmare!
miss cavendishsays
Did you eat a Peeps before going to bed? Food like that can bring on nightmares . . .
OH—DOUBLE CRAP!! She looks a bit like me!!!
Only scarier, I hope.
HAHAHAHAHAHA, your dreams are sooo bizarre
pretty facesays
I’ll need a good few weeks to analyse THAT
Sharon Rosesays
Hi there-LOL, now theres a thought!! Grazia showed a picture of her with the caption ‘Mutton dressed as Quorn’, whereas one of their readers thought it more appropriate to say she dressed like a dogs dinner!
Lol, perhaps you’ve got some very stressful times ahead of you..
Quelle cauchemar!!! Aieeeeeeeeeee ;((((((
Anne Corronssays
C’est un très beau rêve!!!!! I dreamt that I spent one entire day at Topshop with no limit on my credit card! We, Parisians have to cross the channel to buy at Topshop; it’s a good opportunity to go to London!
The Little Fashion Treasurysays
Good morning, Wendy! You probably made me smile;) Was also surprised to see she cut her hair…..
your love for Heather Mills knows no bounds!
i’d classify that as a nightmare hehe
The Haute-Shoppersays
Oh, you poor thing… this reminds me of the dream I had of Paris Hilton wanting to hire me shoot her next music video. It haunted me for a week.
Lol! That pictures scares me. An extraordinary amount, too.
That is just wrong. A fate worse than death!
That can’t be good.
That’s not a dream. That’s a nightmare!
Dream Sequinssays
Was it a line of Dancing with the Stars inspired sequin costumes?
i think you dreamt about being her publicist so you could destroy her, from the inside out. oh, wait – i’m pretty sure she does an alright job of that herself…
ugh, what was Paul thinking
Dream, or NIGHTMARE???
Kira Fashionsays
I am happy that it was only a dream 🙂
Diabolina Da Fashionistasays
Swell Vintage - Frankiesays
Did you wake up with leg ache?
Ohhhh I’m mean
Little Ljsays
Wow, I think it means you’re a glutton for punishment, talk about the world’s most impossible job!
“After 40 you get the face you deserve.”
Yucky nightmare time!
What a nightmare! Is it me or is she starting to channel Helen Reddy?
HA! cool dream
WENDY!! I missed you blog so much! I’ve been busy! Oh and thats probably one of the most evil looking Heather Mills photos i’ve seen in a while.
fashion heraldsays
Maybe you can convince her to let go of that blond hair.
Couture Carriesays
That’s hysterical, WB!
xoxox, CC
trisch xo
Well, her hair sure needs some damage control. I’ve no doubt you could handle it.
That is… very strange makeup.
This is SO many kinds of wrong. I think you need therapy.
Did you wake up in cold sweats, screaming?
yeah definite nightmare. sooo many bad possibilties there…
Dude. Acid flashback? That is just wrong.
Did her “line” include one-legged pants? I know that’s mean but one just has to be mean to that she-devil, no?
ewww I actually physically recoiled from the screen LOL
That is WAAAY to scary! Turn to prostitution before you do that!
uh-oh, that must be an omen!! not good!!! ;-D
I once dreamed that I was in possession of Jackie Kennedy’s severed head, which I kept in a hatbox.
Well, you’ll have a leg up on the competition.
Dream? More like nightmare!
Did you eat a Peeps before going to bed? Food like that can bring on nightmares . . .
OH—DOUBLE CRAP!! She looks a bit like me!!!
Only scarier, I hope.
HAHAHAHAHAHA, your dreams are sooo bizarre
I’ll need a good few weeks to analyse THAT
Hi there-LOL, now theres a thought!! Grazia showed a picture of her with the caption ‘Mutton dressed as Quorn’, whereas one of their readers thought it more appropriate to say she dressed like a dogs dinner!
Lol, perhaps you’ve got some very stressful times ahead of you..
Quelle cauchemar!!!
C’est un très beau rêve!!!!! I dreamt that I spent one entire day at Topshop with no limit on my credit card! We, Parisians have to cross the channel to buy at Topshop; it’s a good opportunity to go to London!
Good morning, Wendy!
You probably made me smile;)
Was also surprised to see she cut her hair…..
your love for Heather Mills knows no bounds!
i’d classify that as a nightmare hehe
Oh, you poor thing… this reminds me of the dream I had of Paris Hilton wanting to hire me shoot her next music video. It haunted me for a week.
That pictures scares me. An extraordinary amount, too.
That is just wrong. A fate worse than death!
That can’t be good.
That’s not a dream. That’s a nightmare!
Was it a line of Dancing with the Stars inspired sequin costumes?
i think you dreamt about being her publicist so you could destroy her, from the inside out. oh, wait – i’m pretty sure she does an alright job of that herself…
ugh, what was Paul thinking
Dream, or NIGHTMARE???
I am happy that it was only a dream 🙂
Did you wake up with leg ache?
Ohhhh I’m mean
Wow, I think it means you’re a glutton for punishment, talk about the world’s most impossible job!
“After 40 you get the face you deserve.”
Yucky nightmare time!
What a nightmare!
Is it me or is she starting to channel Helen Reddy?
HA! cool dream
WENDY!! I missed you blog so much! I’ve been busy! Oh and thats probably one of the most evil looking Heather Mills photos i’ve seen in a while.
Maybe you can convince her to let go of that blond hair.
That’s hysterical, WB!
OMG awesome.
trisch xo
Well, her hair sure needs some damage control. I’ve no doubt you could handle it.
You must have woken up in sweats!