When I emailed these pictures of my latest jewelry design to gorgeous ex-blogger ENC last week, I wrote “my white whale, my Waterloo, my greatest folly” in the subject line. Truly, my Virginia Woolf Whistle pendant is my greatest (and most pun-tastic) jewelry folly to date, but I’m confident I will surpass it in craziness later this year when I begin my Empress Wu piece.
This is the Woolf Whistle silver prototype, cast from a wax carving. It looks like a normal whistle …
… until you pop it open to see the tiny wolf inside.
The miniature wolf (Woolf?) can be purchased separately and it’s available in silver for $50 and in gold for $450.
The complete Woolf Whistle piece will probably be done in the summer. That will be a full year of work on this one necklace. I will only be making the Woolf Whistle in gold with diamonds. The labor that goes into jewelry like this would make a plain silver piece a greater folly than even I could tolerate. You don’t waste expensive labor on inexpensive metal, because the price you’ll need to set will seem too high relative to the material. That’s another little jewelry-making lesson for you. You’re welcome.
- Do you ship internationally? Yes, I will. Just email me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com to arrange payment and shipment. Paypal is preferred.
- When do I need to order by? This piece is a permanent part of my collection. You can order it any time. Even if I don’t have one in stock, I will make a new one for you.
- How long is the chain? The standard length is 16″. I could also do 18″ or 20″ upon request.
- Are you SURE you won’t sell it in silver? It’s hard for me to resist a customer’s special request. I estimate that this complicated piece will easily cost $1,000 in silver. If that’s not in your budget, no whining. I told you it was going to be costly. If it is in your budget, email me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com and I’ll get you the final price.
- Would you do a plain, non-mechanical whistle in silver like you did with the acorn? I don’t plan to add it to my line, because I think you might as well have a real, made-in-China whistle at that point! But if someone requested it, I would do it. I would probably add a few inexpensive stones to the outside to make it a little special. I’m always willing to fulfill special requests. My policy is that if you can describe it and pay for it, I will make it.
Holy crap, loves this!
The wolf is too cute!
Love the “wolf whistle” concept as well. You always design the most kick-ass jewelry!
That is the cleverest thing I’ve ever seen!
That’s ingenious! I would love to see more of your jewelry designs 🙂
I applaud your creativeness. I love whistles but to be able to open it up and have a Wolf inside, awesome!
Beautifully done!
You’re wicked clever, Wendy. Wicked clever, indeed.
Love the wolf/Woolf.
That’s cute! Maybe a dumb question, but is it a functioning whistle as well?
Raven, the silver version is not, but I expect the gold to function, even though that wasn’t necessarily my goal.
I love the miniature wolf.
Oh my goodness! I love that!
how do think of these clever jewelry designs?? i love the little wolf…looks like my bruno! (my dog, not my man)
oh my! i think this may just be my favourite piece of yours yet. i’m devo (that’s aussie for devastated fyi) that you won’t be doing it in silver, but then again, my student ass is too poor for quality jewellery like yours, so i probably wouldn’t purchase it anyway. i may, however, have told my boyfriend that i couldn’t possibly love him anymore unless he bought it for me. oh well, guess he gets my love for free for a little while longer.
Dammit – I love it. My favourite so far
Hi there-Your talent never ceases to amaze me, that is just the most cutest and unique piece I’ve seen, absolutely fabulous my dear!!
Yet again you have created something truly amazing and beautiful. I absolutely adore it. How long is the lone wolf going to be around for? I would love one in gold 🙂
the whistle is haute!!!
Innovative, creative- thinking-outside-the-box..no pun intended. I love this piece.
Humorous and stylish- I love it Wendy!!
oh oh it is very very rad. I am loving it.
How do you come up with these things??
very cool.
I love this. There really aren’t enough Woolf accessories in the world. How ’bout something inspired by Vita Sackville-West?
I love it!! And I want a wolf necklace. Do you ship to England?
Am LOVING the affordable WendyB! I am totally interested in the miniature wolf necklace… but how long is the chain that it comes on?
I love a good pun, and Wendy, you give great pun! The necklace is absolutely adorable.
Though I totally understand the economics behind why you’re only making it in gold, there’s just something so fetching about the silver…
I may have to make do with a wolf necklace. He’s awful cute.
Holy cow, that is my favorite ever of your designs. I love it. And now I’m thinking about that wolf. Here’s a question that I don’t think you’ve answered yet…will you consider doing the whistle alone in silver, like you did the acorn?
HAHAHAHAHA! Very pun-tastic, I agree! Yet another piece to add to my very long Wendy Brandes wishlist. 😉 Although I may have to order one of those little wolves…
Absolutely fabulously cute!
i love it!
Wendy, this is unbelievably cute, I adore it!
Hi Wendy!
those pieces are really cool!
I loved your city! You are so lucky to live there!
a kiss and a hug for you,
see you,
so cleverfab Wendy!
This is such a clever, lovely piece, WendyB. Another artistic triumph.
omg how kute is that!!
Clever idea! I like the little woolf on his own too. I might think about treating myself to him.
You’ve stolen my heart with this one, WendyB.
Look at that little wolf peeping over the edge of the whistle! Too adorable.
what a brilliant idea! i love jewelry that looks like thought was put into the details.
and thanks for the comment. =)
i love love love love love love love love love this!
i love it.
I don’t see why you can’t do it in silver. It doesn’t look more than 3-4 ounces. Neat design.
Eric, it’s not the metal that’s so spendy — it’s all the (hand-done) labor that goes into the mechanism. When I charge enough to cover the labor, I get the reaction of “Just for SILVER?!?” (Imagine disgusted tone.) Glad you like it though.
hot damn, this is amazing!!
Interesting idea, and looks ace, but not really original as some of the commentary here suggests. See http://www.jpegbay.com/gallery/000440180-.html
Je voudrais maintenant.
so cool! i like it a lot!
I wuv woolfie!
That is the cutest woolf I’ve ever seen…I love that pic of him peeping out of the whistle. Where would the diamonds be?
Oh my goodness, this is almost as cool as the genie… I can’t decide. I do know the Spousal Unit is going to go nuts for this one. Wow.
Miss Wendy, you are extremely gifted, and looking at your creations is a delightful pastime. I can only imagine how much more fun it will be to wear one all my very own!
I’m howling for one! x
What can I say, M, but great minds think alike. Except my big pendant blows away a teeny-weeny charm bracelet charm. It would take a mighty big penny to hold mine.