Those of you who like hair doodads and top hats should check out the Victoria & Albert museum shop. The top-hat hair clips are £8 and the bands are £12.
If only 3D will do, BratBoutique sells mini top hats on Etsy.
Separately, I tip my imaginary hat to TokyoBunnie for finding the cuteness that is Kidrobot’s BFF series. I love the tooth and lollipop pair.
I have a Labbit from Kidrobot.
Gorgeous blogger The Clothes Horse had her Labbit first. I got mine because I missed Fernando the iHog so much, but I haven’t started looking for celebrities to pose with it yet.
UPDATED TO ADD: On a sad note, I also tip my imaginary hat to British reality-TV star Jade Goody, who died at age 27 of cervical cancer early this morning in England. I previously mentioned Jade here. She stayed very much in the public eye during the final stages of her illness, which aggravated a lot of people who complained that she was low-class and uneducated and even tackier than usual for not dying more discreetly. But I think their real problem with her was that it is hard to remain in denial about your own mortality when someone like Jade is so honest about hers. I was also impressed that she flaunted her chemo-induced baldness, rather than being ashamed of it. I have a feeling more women will do that now. Plus, because of Jade, the U.K.’s National Health Service is reconsidering its policy on cervical cancer screening, which now doesn’t start till age 25. (In the U.S., a pap smear is recommended at age 21 or within three years of a woman’s first sexual intercourse.) Pretty good achievements for an uneducated reality-TV star, I’d say.
I’ve known one woman who kept her cancer a secret for 16 years and many others who have been open about their disease. My impression is that it takes a lot of courage to tell people, but it’s ultimately better for your health and sanity, so cheers to Jade for her honesty.
Hi there-Yes, I’ve always liked Jade Goody and feel very saddened. She has been a complete inspiration to many and she kick started me to eventually go for my routine smear test 3 weeks ago, when I actually got the letter last September. I’m so pleased she had her dream wedding and saw her sons baptised, may she rest in peace and my thoghts and condolences are with her friends and family-a very couragous young lady indeed.
Cute hair accessories!
I first heard about Jade on a TV news story (Today show, I think), and was so impressed by her courage and saddened for her children that I hoped some miracle would happen and that she’d beat the odds and survive. Very sad to hear about her death.
Totally adorable hair thingies!
I was sad to see what happened with/to Ms. Goody. It sounds like her illness may change some things in the medical community. It’s a shame that the changes had to come at such a high price, though.
They did her so wrong over there…they really did. At least some good will come out of it.
And Kid Robot makes the cutest stuff!
Wendy – the DH and I just came back from London and we did go to the Hat exhibit at the V&A. Totally awesome – but imho, not nearly big enough. The V&A had a huge collection of hats and I should think Steven Jones could have put a much more comprehensive (and with fewer examples, ahem, of his own stuff)exhibit together, if the V&A had given him a little more space to work with. Still, it was fabulous being able to see some very famous modern hats/head dresses such as hats worn by HRH, the Queen Mum and the Dutchess of Cornwall at her wedding to Prince Charles. Lots of 'hats as found art' however. Best appt. time to go: 10 a.m. when it first opens and during the week.
We just got back from London and went to the hat exhibit that Steven Jones put together (and which is the inspiration for those clips and headbands – those will probably disappear when the exhibit is over). Great exhibit – best time to go is first thing in the morning when the museum opens up at 10. The space is rather small so the collection is tightly curated; it does tend toward the ‘hat as found art’ but hats from HRH, the Queen Mum and Camilla’s wedding are also there.
I agree with you that he candidness about death may have been why people criticized her, because they were in denial.
To be honest, when ever I thought about her selling her story to OK Magazine (which published a memorial issue a week before she died) I just thought of a young mother, leaving her sons and wanting to make sure they were provided for – as any of us would.
She was actually more beautiful bald and I hope it saves many more women from scratchy scarves and itchy wigs – if they want to.
Vale Jade.
RIP Jade.
I have to say, I was never a fan of her when I lived in the UK. I just felt like she milked her fifteen minutes to an full hour long special about pretty much nothing . . . buuuuuut, I was very proud of her for how BRAVE she was in her battle against cancer. And when I look at clips of her, good and bad. . . she came across as somewhat genuine pre and post sickness. Reading the news this morning, really saddened me!
I actually hadn’t heard about that – how awfully sad.
In australia, the recommended age for screening is 18+, we’ve also just had a huge, government funded cervical cancer vaccination program – free for women under 27 (it’s actually a vaccination for HPV which is the leading cause of cervical cancer). I think we’ve got it pretty good here after hearing that.
I love the head band. Your post was the first i had heard of jane goody passing she was a strong person for doing the things she did
She did look awesome bald. It’s such a sad story.
What a shame that Jade died at such a young age but I completely respect her courage and choice to keep her illness in the spotlight. It’s so sad but at least some good has come out of it- highlighting such an important issue.
Also on a lighter note, the hair clips are adorable!
Those plastic top hats are adorable, I’m looking for the real thing right now, but maybe one of these mini ones will do.
I was originally aggitated about how public Jades illness was. But this morning when I found out it really sadened me. It must be a terrible thing to face, I couldn’t even imagine how difficult it must be for her family now as it’s still going to be very public and very hard to ignore.
On a lighter note, I love those toys! Very very cute 🙂
Well said, she really made a difference for women in her sadly short life.
i don’t know who she is, but she seems like a heroic woman… really.
thanks for sharing this…
The reason that a lot of Brits were so annoyed with her for so long was because of a massive racist-bullying thing that she was a part of on ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ towards an Indian Bollywood star. For ages she kept a really low profile because nobody liked her and the media were being particularly vile towards her.
Even the British and Indian government were involved and formal apologies were made.
What’s amazing is the U-turn that the British media have made in their approach to Jade – first hating her then celebrating her life. It’s pretty scary actually, the thought of being famous.
It is very sad that she has had to say goodbye to her sons but at least she has made sure that they should have a comfortable start in life.
Sapphire, that was one of the excuses for hating her, but there was hatred for her when she FIRST appeared on Big Brother, for being uneducated and tacky and pudgy and “not our class, darling.” She always inspired a love-hate thing, and I think even if the bullying incident hadn’t happened, there would have been people online saying they couldn’t wait till she died, as there were, just because that’s how people react to those more famous than they are. But what irritated me most was people passing judgment on how she chose to deal with her impending death, with all the implications that THAT was tacky too. As if you don’t have the right to deal with your death in your own way. I think she came from a deprived environment and made the most of the surprising opportunity that came her way. Good for her.
so tragic what happened to jade goody. regardless of how she conducted herself or what she did and did not do, losing a daughter/wife/mother who was only 27 is just unbelievably sad.
Jaysus, another reason to return to australia. We had an immunisation program in Ireland due to start for all 12 year old girls for HPV. And the health minister put it on hold citing costs – then continued to spend €50 million on spin doctors. A bunch of doctors and nurses and wealthy people got together and negotiated a discount from the drug company -then did 300 free vaccinations a few weeks ago in one suburb, they are trying to expand the program.
I have my first irish pap smear tomorrow. The test will be sent to the USA for analysis as that takes only 3 weeks. Doing it in Ireland will take 3 months and thats if they dont lose it. What a schmozzle aye?
Still have the best evidence based education though.
actually, in the US it is recommended that women have their first pap smear at age 18 or whenever they become sexually active (whichever comes first), not 21. and we also have an hpv vaccine campaign going on right now, for girls ages 12 and up i think?