Gorgeous blogger Winona of Daddy Likey created her own tag called Show Us Your Blog Spot. I usually don’t bother posting the rules for tags, but I happen to like Winona’s, so here they are:
1. Once you are tagged, post a picture of where you blog. This might mean a picture of your cozy bed, or your office at work (you naughty employee, you!), or a boring ol’ desk like me. Feel free to be creative, but be honest–if your desk is usually covered in Ritz crackers and love letters to Rahm Emanuel, then show us!
2. Feel free to tell us a little about your space, or explain certain items in more detail. Or not.
3. Link back to this post.
4. Tag five other bloggers to show their blog spots.
5. If you are tagged and do not participate, you will become allergic to cabbage.
Gorgeous bloggers Princess Poochie and Songy tagged me, and I’ve taken so long to respond that I have developed an occasional reaction to cabbage. Damn you, cole slaw! Anyway, I finally got a random Jedi bystander to take a picture of me hard at work in my usual spot.
I don’t know who has already been tagged and who hasn’t. If you want to be tagged, let me know in the comments.
UPDATED TO ADD: Rollergirl, consider yourself tagged!
you…on the death star…
What a great blog spot you have there Wendy, whilst I just have a boring old desk!
Hahahahaha! The Death Star! I didn’t know you were a Sith!
And now you reveal your evil plan to the world!
Lol… you are out of this world!
So, your boss is that mouth-breather, Darth Vader? I’ve known a few people who know some people who used to work for him and they said he was a real prick. How do you put up with him?
lol! … you are the funniest/smartest person i’ve never met!
ps isn’t rahm emanuel sexy?!
If you’re right there on the Death Star, you should be able to get Vader to do something about that helmet and cape ridiculousness.
So it’s true what they say…
Wendy B has The Force!
I KNEW it!
YOU are the real Darth!
Muah hahaaaaa!
obviously the death star is conducive to creative thinking.
Can’t beat this one…
hey sweetie wishing you a good wknd ahead!
muah x
Hee hee!
Hehe I hope your office isn’t in the weak spot where Luke et al. blew up the Death Star.
oh my, you blog from a galaxy far far away.
You really are out if this world x
ROTFL!!!!!!! You crack me up, Wendy!
OMG I LOVE this, so creative and funny.
May the Force be with you WendyB!!!
I don’t know how you did it, but I’m not the least bit surprised to see it–WendyB perched on the Death Star, fashionably attired and shod. Tee-totally splendid!
shouldn’t have expected anything less from you, WendyB.
You always make me laugh.
Me, me, I want to be tagged!
for the deathstar canteen.
hahahah thanks so much for participating, Darth Wendy!
May the force be with you “cue star wars jingle”!
BTW: I’m church of England – CAKE Please!
wait a minute here, is that the top I want by Gryphon??
this picture is hilarious. you should design me new header :-).
Sister Wolf, the shirt is by “inside out” — worst brand-name ever for Google. But I think the brand is available on Aloha Rag. Now I’m intrigued to know what shirt you’re looking for.
Tam Pham, all credit is due to ENC of Observation Mode, who I always get to do my Photoshop dirty work!
This is hilarious! I think you just made a regular reader out of me.
Now the ominous Darth Vader music is going to be playing in my head whenever I read your blog!