Got this song by the Kinks stuck in my head.
“The tax man’s taken all my dough,
And left me in my stately home,
lazing on a sunny afternoon.”
Speaking of ’60s bands, there’s a trailer out for America’s Lost Band, the documentary on the Remains. After watching it, I decided that the Remains had to be four of the ballsiest dudes of all time to open for the Beatles. Those screaming girls could have torn them from limb to limb to get at their idols. It would be like getting between me and Coco. I’d kill a bitch to get to Coco.
UPDATED TO ADD: Gorgeous blogger KD reminds me that I shouldn’t mention taxes and Beatles in the same post without including Taxman. I’ve always preferred the Kinks song, but that doesn’t mean I should neglect the Beatles.
Oh, yuck. Taxes.
WendyB, honey, if you come to Portland for dinner some day, we’ll make it as casual as you’d like. But, be warned, I’ll have to really control myself because, to tell you the truth, I’d like to plan quite the production, complete with wearing a sandwich board and walking along SE Hawthorne near 3 Doors Down–“Come one, come all. Dine with world-renown jewelry designer and fashion blogger WendyB, tonight at 3 Doors Down Cafe.” Too many words? Let me know in time, and I’ll edit the hell out of it. I’ll get it right, I promise!
It did take balls to open for the Beatles.
The first song you posted is perfect for getting stuck in your head.
good luck with the meeting with the Accountant honey!hope it goes well.
muah x
This post reminds me of the Beatles song “taxman.” I love the Beatles, but I used to really, really love them in 4th grade and my sister and friend and I interviewed a teacher who wrote a book on them and one who went to one of their concerts and filmed it. It was fun.
Two Words – Cayman Islands.
Good luck!
The Remains, they take me back. I knew some guys in Mass. who loved their music, and played in a band who sounded an awful lot like them: garage-y. My absolute favorite genre.
Have fun with your taxes.
OMG I haven’t heard that Kinks song in ages. It’s going to be my tax time theme song!
Hi there-hope your meeting goes well my dear!!
Not a day goes by that I don’t listen to the Kinks or the Beatles. Nice find on the Remains video!
Very apt songs for meeting with the CPA!
The Kinks are such an underrated band. had such a ray davies crush.
Damnit WendyB! You reminded me I have to do my second US tax return soon.. and I was hoping to “forget” until April 1… The first time was painful enough!!
Hey Wendy, I have a communal tag I’d especially like to see you do on my blog 🙂 x
Fashion Herald, earlier today I was thinking “What the hell is Ray’s brother’s name?” How could I forget Dave Davies? Hello!
Pretty Face, I get this message when I try to comment on your blog : Your request could not be processed. Please try again. 🙁
Yuck, I filed my tax return and my brother’s this past weekend. I’ve had enough of T4 forms and Federal Schedule 1’s to last another year at least.
We looooove the Kinks!
In an odd, freaky, small-world, 6 degrees of separation moment today…”Taxman” was playing in the background during my radiation treatment. Coincidence? I think not.
i love “taxman”…such a good song!
i love “taxman”…such a good song!
That Kinks song was so good I decided to get out the paperwork and start doing my taxes!
Well, not really but I thought about it.
Accountants are scary! Sp in times of crisis!
<3 the Kinks, and I would have never connect with Remains with Coco, only on Wendy B…;)