I have no idea why this appeared next to an email conversation with my friend Monika. Monika, do YOU know?
Or maybe we should ask the person we were talking about!
If this post has whetted your appetite for syphilis, you can get a plush, huggable version from Giant Microbes. Fun for the kids!
awwww… I want syphilis!
Wait.. WTF did I just say???
< : o
ew, thats all that i can utter
These horrible disease and germ plushies are cute.
LOL, thats just awesome!! have a lovely weekend!
Haha, to cute!
Tee hee, those things are so cute. My ex gave me sleeping sickness, it’s adorable! 😉
I don’t know whether to go ‘Awwww’ or ‘Eeeergh’…
BTW, the other night I dreamed that some freaky guy was trying to throw you over a cliff. And you were totally psyching him out and in the end he put you back down and cried.
It was rather strange. You looked uber stylish too.
If that’s what syphilis REALLY looks like, then I had it ALL wrong!
(ha ha, I’m surprised they didn’t give the snake a cutesy name like SiPhyllis!)
Shannon, I’m going to try to convince myself that that dream is some kind of good omen.
dear lord, this cracks me up. Thanks for making me laugh 🙂
OMG; that is just too gross I think?! Picture of Syphillis?! LOL!
Though the pen is kinda cute!
Oh my god! I’m totally getting my friend the Herpes toy! She suffers from Herpes on her face when she gets stressed, which is always a great source of amusement to me… this is THE perfect gift!!! Don’t worry, she’ll see the funny side!
Awww, look at how cute he is! He & I should cuddle. :]
You know Miss Wendy, we work *very* hard at not taking offense at the specific ads they make us view when checking our email, but we are becoming increasingly paranoid about it!
However, we do find the little microbe to be more tyhan cute…. and it is pink, after all!
Oh my God, you’re a true New Yorker. Can I have your autograph ? Please ? 😀 New York is my dreamcity, and Im befazzeled by it Im not even sure it really exists sometimes^^ Great blog. You make me want to crave for syphilis – wich isn’t something many people can do.
oh wow, I don’t know if it’s ok to say I was syphilis!
W o w
the internet really does have everything!!
My husband has Chlamydia. The plushie I mean.
Oh.. no you didn’t! lol Darn Wendy you brought back memories, what was his name.. I forgot?
I will match you and raise you: Gmailing ImeldaMike one night we saw in the margin:
as in
“I won’t. I won’t come out of my dressing room until you Get me GAYER HAIR!”
Ha! Just what every fire place is missing – a picture of syphilis hanging above it x
sometimes big brother just gets it all wrong!
Yay for syphilis!!
haha! i love giant microbes. they’re so funny.
I got my husband the “Mad Cow” microbe last Christmas.
And all this time I’ve been trying to avoid STDs. No more!!
i just sent a boy sort of friend a link to the stuffed sperm and he seems quite offended!! i however find these hilarious!