I got a nice note from John Varriano, the painter I posted about here, so I asked him for a photo of the New York Stock Exchange painting that I mentioned. Can you find the handsome fellow who intrigued so many ladies?
For more on the very talented John Varriano, check out his website.
UPDATED TO ADD: Wasn’t very much guesswork involved, was there? Of course, the person of interest is the Clark Kent-lookalike in the purple jacket.
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ooooh he is handsome. The one second on the left. But then again my taste in men is a bit off, LOL
If he is who I think he is, he sexes up glasses like nobody’s business.
Hi there-Sorry, I’m not sure who I’m looking for, I’m very impressed with this painting though, its absolutely stunning.
Really great vibrant painting – I get why the style took so long to be accepted. The art world is quite snobby an dsuch realism isn’t always welcomed. Gorgeous colours and perspective.
not sold on the preppy floppy haired glasses guy but he does stand out!
Purple jacket.
This painting is amazing.
Did he send you the contact info for sexy stock-broker? x
I think he likes me!
I found a lot of handsome gentlemen in the photo, but I think it’s the guy in the red jacket you must have been ga-ga over.
Obviously the guy with the glasses on the left.
Varriano is an excellent portrait painter.
Maybe Mr. B should commision a portrait of you by Varriano.
Of course the dude with the purple with the floppy forelock.
The sheik in the purple jacket is placed just so, at the left side of the visual triangle,in contrast with the schlubby trader with the ID badge at the right. Classic and effective composition.
Dude with purplish jacket and the glasses…? Hehe.
Glasses! He is cute.
Glasses! He is cute.
The hottie in the glasses and purple jacket better be calling ME.
I approve of the painting for sure. It could only be improved by hosting more ladies, methinks…
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I have no idea hehe
the guy is purple is a looker uh… so can you find out who he is?
the guy in purple is a looker… so who is he? we wonder!
what a great painting.
WOW… this work is phenomenal. The details and the shading.I am so on my way to his site 🙂
As for the handsome fella – well that would have to be the man in purple with glasses.
Mmmm, I can’t decide in this, when I think of yuppies I definitely think of Charlie Sheen on Wall Street or James Spader on True Colors… yummy
that guy looks like christopher reeves in superman.
there’s a special place in heaven for journalists who do stories on undiscovered artists.
I feel like I’ve seen one of this guy’s paintings before, but I suck at art identification, so I could easily be wrong.
I’m thinking its the fellow in the purple jacket w/ glasses? Great painting!
Ha, that is exactly where my eye went – Mr Kent. This man is severely talented! x
um…hello, MS. B! you, w/ur dark hair, red lips, and GORGEOUS smile…you’re uber glamorous 24/7!
That’s hilarious,it’s definately the Christopher Reeves’ Clark Kent. And who can resist a purple blazer?
The guy sitting next to him isn’t bad either, he’s clearly a multi-tasker – the phone AND a headset, what a catch.