Twenty years ago, my family threw a surprise party for my father, GeorgeB, in honor of his 50th birthday. In the picture below, he’s the happy fellow wearing the giant button and I am the one laughing like a maniac on the left.
Today, GeorgeB is celebrating his 70th birthday. Time flies when you’re having fun!
I gave GeorgeB a special pair of cufflinks in honor of his big day, but I feel like more is required, so the Beatles are going to sing him a song.
Happy birthday, GeorgeB!
UPDATED TO ADD: GeorgeB commented on this post, saying, “Thank you for all your good wishes. Now buy some WendyB jewelry!” Remember, it’s his birthday. You owe it to him to do what he says.
George, you don’t look a day over 52! And who’s that hawt girl standing next to you 🙂
Happy, happy birthday, GeorgeB. And many more!
Happy birthday GeorgeB! My goodness, K.Line is right…I see where you get your eternal youthfulness from, Wendy. 🙂
Hi there-Such lovely photos, wishing him a very Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday GeorgeB! Meanwhile, WendyB you definitely haven’t done 20 years worth of aging since your dad’s 50th, more like about 2 years.
Hi Wendy,
Happy Birthday GeorgeB!
Ur skirt (on pics) is amazing!
xoxo: Janet
Happy birthday to your Dad! Mine turned 70 last year. 70 just isn’t what it used to be…thank goodness. Love the genie cufflinks. Truly inspired!
I’m a big fan of George’s work! Happy birthday, G x
So sweet! Happy bday Mr. B!!!
Oh how adorable! HAPPY BIRTHDAY George!
Happy Birthday GeorgeB!
Happy Birthday, MrB!
Yes, you are frozen in time Wendy.
happy birthday papab!
gosh your Dad looks amazing fro 70 my dear and you dont look like youve aged since from the first image!
Happy birthday to your Dad!im sure he will love your cufflinks.
muah x
Happy Birthday GeorgeB!
Aw, sweet. Happy B-Day George B!
Happy Birthday! George B looks amazing!
GeorgeB is looking damn good! Here’s to another 20 years!
Happy Birthday to George B! Hooray!
Happy Birthday to your dad!
And I like the skirt you’re wearing.
awww uncle georgeB looks so handsome, your photos are lovely! Happy birthday to your dad 🙂
xx-LJ from SOS!
Thank you for all your good wishes. Now buy some WendyB jewelry!
Happy Bday GeorgeB
Looking good!
haha on twitter i was sure that this was going to be a message from george bush! but this one is better.
Same lips, Better Hair.
You look good too Wendy!
LOL @ Hammie. The invention of flat irons = one of the best things that ever happened to me.
Raven, that’s a Roland Mouret skirt from (I’m pretty sure) 2005.
Coolest post I have read today Miss Wendy – and I read quite a few! The pictures of you two are just great.
Happy Birthday to George!
Hi “Dad” B …
long time since you’ve heard from me! Hope your birthday was great and you do look fabulous! Please say hi to “Mom” B from me 🙂
– Melanie
Oh my goodness, I’m embarrassed to admit it, but this almost made me cry! You and your dad look like two peas in a funny, stylish pod. 🙂
I had a great B-day. Dinner, a B-day call from Germany (Titus hasn’t missed calling in 20 years), WendyB special cuff links, 30 minutes watching Sebastian on the webcam and a message from Mel. Thanks all.
OMG. Huge congrats are in order. He looks so good. Good for you to be there for him. I wasn’t even in the country for my father’s 60th… I feel terrible now.
That gigantic badge is hilarious!
Happy, happy, happy Bday Mr B!!!
Happy birthday GeorgeB. I hope it’s your best yet!
70 is the new 50! Happy B-day (so glad you posted this) My mums b-day is around the corner and she’ll be 53…
Happy happy happy!
Happy Birthday GeorgeB!
Wendy, you must share the secret of your agelessness. And I love the RM skirt!
happy birthday mr B!
love a dad who hustles for you 😉
aw, happy bday to your father! how scary is it that you have not aged at all in 20 years? seriously, spill your secrets woman! 😉
wait…sorry, i’m a little slow…so that makes you 40?!? OMG. you look SUPER young. i assumed u were way younger. ok, seriously spill your secrets!