I had a great time last night thanks to my gorgeous friend Jen, who invited me to her family’s annual outing to Carnegie Hall to see “1964…The Tribute,” an unbelievably realistic-sounding Beatles tribute band. If you closed your eyes, you’d think it was the real thing. And, if you opened your eyes (which I’d recommend — it would be weird to sit through a whole concert with your eyes closed), you’d notice how the band members had all the mannerisms down pat. If you’re an ardent Beatles fan, seize any opportunity to go. And if you go to next year’s Carnegie Hall performance, keep an eye out for me.
In other Beatles-related news, Sharon Stone called …
…she wants her hair back from Heather Mills, aka the former Lady McCartney. What in the name of Britney Spears is this hairdo about? When my long-time gorgeous reader (and brand-new blogger) “L” first sent me a picture of this catastrophe, I didn’t believe it was real. She had to send me further evidence before I stopped thinking it was an unconvincing Photoshop project thrown together by my almost-husband Paul McCartney and his new ladypal Nancy Shevell after they’d killed off a couple of bottles of wine.
Let me assure you that I’m not hopping on the mocking-celebrity-appearances bandwagon in a desperate attempt to win your votes for Best Fashion Blogger of 2008. Heather Mills is not a celebrity. She is a demon who escaped from hell to torment my almost-husband. While Sir Paul and I are too different to have ever had a successful relationship (he hates women who eat meat; I hate men who give the thumbs-up sign), I still have his back, which Nancy Shevell is probably tickling with her lovely locks right now while she laughs uncontrollably.
As for the Best Fashion Blogger award: don’t forget to do your daily voting for me here. I’m hoping for a decent third-place showing. A big thank you goes out to gorgeous blogger Evie of I Need More Drama for tweeting on my behalf. You’re the best, Evie! So are you, Lisa. Nice to see the best Halloween costume picture of 2008 again.
UPDATED TO ADD: Gorgeous blogger Lizzi deserves a great big hug for this incredibly nice post about my work (with a voting link, no less).
UPDATED AGAIN TO ADD: Yet another thank you goes out to gorgeous blogger Deja Pseu for becoming a campaign volunteer. If votes were assigned based on the fine character of the volunteer, I too would get 8,000 votes in a matter of hours, because DP has already shown herself to be an exceptionally lovely and generous person.
UPDATED YET AGAIN TO ADD: Gorgeous blogger TheShoeGirl both campaigned for me and made me laugh out loud. What could be better than that?
I’d never have recognized Mills with that new ‘do. She really looks glacial!
I fart in Ms Mills’s general direction!
Hi there-I didn’t think Heather could look any worse, but she’s succeeded!
It’s newsreader hair, and it makes her look about 90,000 years old. Blech. I hope you get your votes!
Oh my… that hair. It’s just… odd.
BOO to Heather Mills!!! BOO her nasty ass!!!
Bonkers! Just dreadful but who cares she’s a freak!
Ha, I hate guys who do thumbs up too! Bloody Mills ruins everything x
haha love your writing, and agree that hair is terrible!!
I’d say it’s more Shirley Jones hair than Sharon Stone!
Does anyone else see the resemblance to a certain rodent? Just wondering…
I had a dream that you were only one vote behind Fug Girls, I swear! I was really disappointed to see that this was not true.
oh she looks really terrible. i don’t like her hair now,…
who is she?
It ages her 20 years…I’m NEVER cutting my hair short!
Ohhhh awful hair. Dude.
I’d love to see that Beatles show!
I really hate manolo’s shoe blog – you better beat them for 2nd or 3rd place.
o god she does look like sharon stone…not a fan of either of them!!
o god she does look like sharon stone…not a fan of either of them!!
Fashion_Loving_Stylist, really? I haven’t read it in a while. I have too many blogging friends to read (some friends I haven’t met yet, but I still feel friendly towards them!) to bother with the big blogs much.
WB- of COURSE drinking is included in our fantasy friendship.
Aww thanks for the shout-out! In other news, that haircut looks wrong, oh so very wrong.
that is one hideous haircut on a demon. and i think i hate men who do a peace sign more than a thumbs up…think paul would do both…double blech!
Urgh! She looks 20 yrs older now!
I didn’t like her as a person before, but now she’s ugly too..!
How long before she sues her stylist..?!