Coco Rocha has a blog, E-I-E-I-O.
And on that blog she has this picture, E-I-E-I-O.
With a misspelling here,
A dropped apostrophe there,
Here an oops, there an oops, everywhere an oops-oops.
Coco Rocha has a blog, E-I-E-I-O.
And on that blog she has this picture, E-I-E-I-O.
With a misspelling here,
A dropped apostrophe there,
Here an oops, there an oops, everywhere an oops-oops.
Coco Rocha has a blog, E-I-E-I-O.
She sure is pretty though!
UPDATED TO NOTE: There’s a link to the blog on Coco’s flash-rific official website.
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Oh wow, this should be interesting… I’ve always enjoyed watching random vids of her on Youtube. I’m surprised her blog is so much less pretty than the rest of her official site.
Wendy, what I wouldn’t do to have one of your rings! All of the ones I love are way out of my price range. Mmmm especially the gold Cleves ring, so beautiful.
ohhh bless her pretty little head! is she french Canadian??
P.S I’m feeling very “woe is me” at the moment so I appreciate thanks your sympathy re: my sickness!
Are you sure that this blog is truly written by the real miss Rocha and not by some imposter? Personally, I’d hesitate to publicly diss on her spelling without first establishing if it’s really her or not that’s doing the writing.
I don’t know who that person is. I’m not sure if I should click the link, or keep myself nice and stay away.
you’re effin hilarious!
haha. interesting. although i was never a fan of hers. she’s not my type of model. =/
I love Coco Rocha, she is stunning. Cool that she has a blog, I didn’t know that.
I’d rather read your model English posts, mind you I’m going have to brush up on my grammar now!!
Hi there-Coco is indeed a pretty young thing, I’ll have to check her out! Thanks for the well wishes too!
Actually, I am sure of that, Craig, so there was no reason to hesitate to make fun of her excruciating spelling (Under “raps”???). Check here:
Also, “Miss Rocha”? You’re cute.
I’d better go check this out—typos jolt me awake in the early morning, and I need all the help I can get, because my coffee isn’t doing the trick today.
Do we know if Coco Rocha finished school before she started modeling?
Haha 😀
You almost made me sing that out loud!
Otherwise I’m totally out in the woods when it comesto whos who in modelling. Her name is pretty cool though. (But it’s propably as real as Agyness’ name?)
Haha 😀
You almost made me sing that out loud!
Otherwise I’m totally out in the woods when it comesto whos who in modelling. Her name is pretty cool though. (But it’s propably as real as Agyness’ name?)
A model nursery rhyme.LOVE it! However,I feel sure that I enjoy your writing about her more than I would enjoy her blog.
Altamira: This is definitely Coco’s blog! I read about Coco writing a blog in i-D magazine a while back, so this definitely verifies it.
Hmmm, interesting…
I won’t lie to you though, I am a little put out that Detective Pretty Face didn’t catch this first 😉
Aww, she’s so cute who cares if she can’t spell.
Miss Janey is NO ONE to cast aspersions at other bloggers’ typos… Her own blog is rife with them.
Would you rather be beautiful or spel?
You are soo funny.
I never used to e so much of a fan, but recently her editorials have been rocking my world!
I won’t read any of it though hahah
MM x
gorgeous girl,your post put a smile on my face Wendy! hehe
Anf that's how you know that bloging has offically taken over.<3
I think she reports for too.
hehhe i was just lookin at her blog earlier..
i like that rhyme Wendy ;p
xx-LJ from SOS!
You are hilarious.. and my grammar sucks! I am following just because… LOL
she is so pretty
I have to admit that I can’t stand lazy writers, even if the writer IS a gorgeous and successful model. I can’t help it. I’m an English teacher.