I’d like to dedicate this craptacular photo of myself — inching into my 41st year in a too-short skirt and red lipstick — to my pink-lipglossed nemesis, How Not to Look Old author Charla Krupp.
Yeah, I’m old, sluts!
Deal with it.
If you’re old enough to recognize the song reference in the title without my prompting you, you are even more ancient than I am.
Hey Paula
By the way, if you haven’t gone over to Grant Miller Media to vote for me to win the prestigious Drysdale Award categories of Blog With the Most Pictures of the Blogger and Blog With the Most Swears, what the fuck are you waiting for? It’s my birthday, motherfuckers!
UPDATED TO ADD: Just go here and vote on the left side of the screen.
Happy Birthday 🙂
Happy birthday. A mere child. Charla would be proud, but a bit confused.
Haaaaapy Birthday! And many more. I am only slightly behind you and have to deal with younger coworkers discussing how good Jennifer Aniston looks ‘for her age’.
Yes, apparently we are ancient.
Charla can go fuck herself because you look amazing! Happy B-day!
Sorry, it’s a little late.
Happy Birthday. I hope you had a wonderful time.
I wouldn’t have believed.. 41? You certainly don’t look your age.
You look AMAZING! i had to read this post 2x to verify. i definitely wouldn’t have guessed that was your age. I wanna be you when i grow up 🙂
I know i’m late, but i hope you had a fantastic birthday
That whole “How Not Too Look Old” mentality sucks. If you don’t take care of yourself – you tan, eat crap, don’t exercise, etc. – no pink lipstick is going to change that. I’m 34 and I struggle to look older because I get confused for a teenager (when I don’t wear makeup).
Or you could just be born with great genes like you and me doll ; *
Welcome to 41, it’s a fucking good year.