I’d like to dedicate this craptacular photo of myself — inching into my 41st year in a too-short skirt and red lipstick — to my pink-lipglossed nemesis, How Not to Look Old author Charla Krupp.
Yeah, I’m old, sluts!
Deal with it.
If you’re old enough to recognize the song reference in the title without my prompting you, you are even more ancient than I am.
Hey Paula
By the way, if you haven’t gone over to Grant Miller Media to vote for me to win the prestigious Drysdale Award categories of Blog With the Most Pictures of the Blogger and Blog With the Most Swears, what the fuck are you waiting for? It’s my birthday, motherfuckers!
UPDATED TO ADD: Just go here and vote on the left side of the screen.
Happy Birthday, love!
Oooo Happy birthday!!
Hi there-Many Happy Birthday wishes, you look fabulous!!
Happy Birthday!
If I could, I’d give you cadbury chocolates.
a. Happy birthday!
b. You don’t look old (as if I have to tell you that!)
c. That How Not to Look Old lady is going to get so cranky when she googles herself and finds this post.
d. You look totally hot.
You look spectacular, not craptacular!
Sorry I couldn’t think of anything witty to say.
Happy birthday!
happy birthday beyotch! you don’t look a day over 30, fo’ real!!!
Happy Birthday to a divine looking 41 year old!
Keep it red lipped, keep it stylish, and keep it fun…as you always do!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!
I knew that song, and am definitely older than you at 42-and-a-half!
I was going to do that 41 times but ran out of steam.
Now, where’s my Geritol? Hey! YOU took my Geritol!
Hi Gorgeous!
Have a super day!!
xoxoxoxo NATHANA and CAROLINE!!
Happy Birthday!! Charla Krupp is eating her words right now, I’m sure.
Happy birthday! You’re amazing. Age ain’t nuthin’ but a number! x
Happy, Happy Birthday! You are my she-ro! Take that, Charla [POW!]
Happy Birthday Miss Wendy! Old is when you hit 100 – silly girl you are ages away still
Happy Birthday Wendy!!
I’m double dipping and wishing you a Happy Birthday here and Facebook. Because 41 only happens once and it deserves a two-fer.
You look amazing as always you silly girl! Now…how do we vote? Pls can you send me direct link? Ta!! x
Happy Birthday…My 41st is in February…we look pretty hot for old chicas. A friend of mine has her 4 year old trained to say she is 20 and I’m 21. It’s great.
happy birtday beautiful!have a gorgeous day,its all about you today x
Happy Birthday, Wendy! If it makes you feel any better, I’m older than you (by 2 months). And I look fab, so what the fuck are you talking about?? “Old”? Get out.
maybe she should take notes from you… i mean really, if you looked 10 years younger than you do, you’d look like jailbait.
happy birthday!
Hey Wendy,
Is that your birthday piñata on top of Paula’s head?
I hope there are lots of goodies inside!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! I had no idea what your age was, as is the case with most bloggers but you’ve always looked fantastic and that book looks horrifying! Red lipstick forever! Have a wonderful day!
No such thing as a too-short skirt on you, lovely, especially when paired with classic black hose. Have a wonderful day!
Happy birthday!!!!!!!
Dude, I thought you were in your 20s, looking good!
And Happy Birthday x
Happy Birthday, Gorgeous!! I am sure if Charla ever had the privilege of meeting lovely you that she would be the first tot ell you that her rules do not apply to you. Have a day as beautiful as you are.
Holy cats! I wouldn’t have guessed a day over 21. Happy birthday – Capricorns RULE.
Pish posh you look way better in a “too-short” skirt than some people I know. Sooooooooo here’s to another 20 years of too-short skirts! HUZZAH!
Happy Birthday Wendy!
Your look is fabolous. I adore your blazer (3 tone)
Merry Xmas!
xoxo: Janet
Happy Birthday, WendyB. Miss J has voted for you in both categories. What is age when you are as hot as WB?
Happy birthday, Ms. B! & damn, you look good for your age! I only hope that I look as amazing in my 40s.
Happy birthday! And you’re never old as long as you keep getting ID’d when ordering drinks!
Happy birthday!!!
As always, you look gorgeous. If this is old, old rocks. Happy day!
Happy Birthday Wendy!!!!!!!!!! XOXO
We should all be fortunate enough to age a fraction as gracefully as you, miss. I’m imagining owning clothes without Dorito dust on them and not drinking like my liver’s an insurgent uprising that needs to be put down might be a good start.
Happy birthday!
Happy bday, girl!
You look great, don’t feel old.
Many happy returns!
Happy birthday!
You look amazing on that pic.
Merry Xmas, I hope you have the time of your life!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Gorgeous Lady! May the skirts get shorter and the lipstick redder!
Happy, happy Birthday, WendyB!!!!
And jesus! You look at least 10 years younger than you are! That’s not just me being blogger nicey nice- you really, really do!
41 is not old! I’m 41 and I’m having the time of my life. Happy Birthday, I hope its wonderful.
Looking gorgeous girl!!!!!!!
Have also a Happy Xmas
Happy F’n birthday! I can’t believe you’re 41 – I thought you were 30!
Who wants to be blond and boring? Not me – I’ll be brunette for as long as I can!
Wow. Take that Charla!
Happy Birthday Wendy!
That Cadbury choc must be preserving you because you are one FINE and youthful birthday girl! 🙂
Mama,Duncan, and I send great big, heartfelt Happy Birthday wishes your way, WendyB. And we hope that your present is first place in both of those Drysdale categories! And you’re glowing in your newly reconfigured Donald Brooks!