Guess what! Daddy-funded, 16-year-old fashion “designer” Kira Plastinina will close most of her 12 U.S. stores due to poor demand and the craptastic economy. Now can I stop hearing about her “talent”? An obsession with pink is not “talent.” Kthxbai.
UPDATED TO ADD: A few words from Shophound.
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I’m assuming Hello Kitty is her muse?
I KNEW she was destined for failure… Having a rich dad clearly does not mean you will make it as a :designer”.
ha! yes
I’m amazed it took THIS long.
I wonder what Teen Vogue will have to say. I still can’t believe they featured her.
I’m obsessed with pink too!! Not so much little rich girls who fancy themselves designers though…
cant say i ever heard of her. doesnt look like i missed much
true dat. not saying i had more fashion sense at 16, but i didn’t pretend to have my own fashion line.
Wow, does that include the stores that literally just opened in the last 6 months in NY on like 5th and the one on 34th st? What a waste of time that was!
Even the shop looks hideous.
Prunella – Don’t insult Hello Kitty in that way!
Thank the lord this is coming to a close! I didn’t like her a year ago and I still don’t like her!
Mmm well money can’t buy everything!
Wendy, you always make me glad to feel so out of the loop. I’m glad I haven’t heard of this child before. Blech.
drats, this is really cutting into my 34th Street shopping fun, poor orange juice mogulina! whoever told her she should be in three stores in manhattan was seriously high. this store would have killed in a shopping mall full of teenage girls.
Dude, if my daddy gave me $80 mllion I’d do a lot of shit too. Try doing things from the ground up, then we’ll talk.
I have no clue who this child is or why she has stores. LOL.
I literally just shuddered when I read this. This girl says Paris Hilton is her role model. That makes me sick.
i never heard of this girl before!
Jjaja the first comment about Hello Kitty is hillarious!
Schadenfreude lives.
La C.
well, when your daddy is a billionaire, other little girl play pretend fashion designer while she can turn it into reality. cool for her but bad for investment.
Looks like not even Papa Plastinin can overcome a breakdown in the world economic systems to keep his princess in fuschia sequins and velour track suits…
The truth hits everybody!
I didn’t even know she was in business or even who she is. I thought “PinK” belonged to Victoria Secret.
I have never heard of this girl. I must be lucky since I am not a fan of pink as a clothing colour.
I’ve also never heard of her, which is probably for the better….
x. Mona
does he want to adopt me ??
yeah, unfortunately her clothes are crap. she needs a new design team. and production team.
No matter how many times I see her name, I always pronounce it Plasticina. I guess that says something about my opinion of her.
She’s really talented at closing stores and handing out pink slips.
Well it’s not a patch on what I was designing on my ultra groovy fashion wheel (ahhh, does anyone remember the joys of the fashion wheel?) when I was about 12.
Just goes to show money can’t buy you taste, or even a modicum of success!
Have you ever been to one of her shops?
God it would be nice to have more money than sense..oh wait..maybe not. 😉
Oh god! Thank GOD! I saw the store in SoHo and was horrified at the thought of my little sister buying some of those clothes with pink everywhere! She would look like one of those Bratz dolls!
Little sis, if you are reading this, please stick with H&M and save up for some A.P.C. pieces. Better yet, wear some vintage.
Also, can we please boycot pastel baby clothes while we're at it?
No surprises there. Depressing though when you think of all the useful things that money could have done.
I only feel orry for her becasue of her age, but I saw her clothes and they suck o bad it’s unbelivable. Low class/quality doen’t even begin to describe them.
God love you Miss Wendy… and Princess Poochie… and everyone else.
We aren’t necessarily reveling in the child’s personal failure (as it wasn’t really hers to begin with), that would be rather churlish.
However…. we are pleased in a perverse way that the monstrosities are gone. Talk about an abomination on the fashion landscape… ewww! (Everyone should be laughing at the Princess here, for it’s not like a prep is what you would call a fashion maven!)
Besides, she completely removed the joy from the color pink for us.
“Bitter, party of one”
I’m so glad other people didn’t get it, I felt sort of confused when there was constant reportage on her ‘work’. I think if you give people like that attention, they’ll never go away but I guess they hype died down and her 15 minutes are over.
Finally, someone said what I’ve been thinking for so long! I’ve always thought “what is the big deal with those clothes??”
I’d never heard of her but the clothes in the Shophound pic look pretty horrible.