Quite some time ago, Sharon Rose told me I must “open the nearest book to page 46, write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences.” I like the vagueness of the “two to five” thing. It’s like the originator of the tag was into it at first but in the middle of writing the rules decided, “Whatever.”
Anyway, the nearest book (on the floor, by the bed) is The Dead Girl by Melanie Thernstrom. I got this in 1990 when it first came out. I have an 18-year-old book! I will have to throw it a big birthday party when it turns 21 and can finally drink.
As I was opening the book, I thought, “Wouldn’t it be weird if there were no page 46?” You’re not going to believe this, but in my edition of the book, there really is nothing on page 46. Not a chapter name, not a page number, nothing. This tag was even easier than I anticipated. Thank you, Sharon Rose!
Also, thank you to the following would-be taggers/award-givers/etc. I’m sorry that I let you down and didn’t do my tag or pass my award along. It was a snowball effect. There were a couple of tags I should have done/awards I should have passed along. Then some more tags/awards came in and I felt guilty about doing those when I hadn’t done the earlier ones. So I did none of them. And then even more tags came in, and I felt guilty about not doing the first ones and the second ones, so I again did nothing. And then it just escalated. Apologies to:
- Topaz Horizon
- The House of Style
- Aubergine
- Searching the Inner Me
- Hammiesblog
- The Freelancer’s Fashionblog
- La Belette Rouge
- Chic Banana
- Hipster Musings
- The Freelancer’s Fashionblog AGAIN
- Femme Rationale
- The Lady Who Doesn’t Lunch
- Bobble-Bee
- (parenthetical)
- Head in the Clouds
Hey, can I call Cheat?!!
Yes, but I can’t guarantee that Cheat will pick up the phone.
Hmmm…. now what am I going to do to punish you???? LOL LOL
Just joking my dear. That’s ok, We all miss something in passing those tags/awards. I think I still have some to do (must see my list of posts to do)
Don’t worry.
Hope you’re having a nice Holidays Season.
I just saw you have me on your blog roll.i’m thrilled, and i’ve linked you too. 😀
I am so in this boat right now with about 10 bloggers who have extremely graciously tagged me and I feel so terrible. Because I love being tagged and I am so grateful. And, as it happens, no one has tagged me in weeks. Is it because I’ve been remiss? At any rate, I so get you.
You are so sweet, everyone will forgive you Wendy!
And about the page 46, that is so weird!
Hey, I think I owe you a couple of memes too. Actually I owe a lot of them and I feel sure I will never catch up and I hope those that tagged me understand that it might just not happen.
Ha-ha, I can’t believe there’s no 46!
I admire your rebellious nature. I’m too much of a people-pleaser to be able to be this brave.
The whole “no page 46” thing is wicked weird!
Hehe honestly, visiting your blog gives me my daily dose of funny. Thanks for not letting me down!
Hi there-LOL, you are just too cute and lovely to tell off!!!