I don’t know how anyone picked out just 101 sexiest Coco looks for this magazine, when every second of Coco’s life is sexier than the last. There would be so much to choose from! It should be “10 million sexiest looks.”
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Never Is the Next New Thing
I saw this over at DListed and thought of you.
That image is unreal. It looks like a cartoon character.
I see Christmas came early for her biggest fan!
Bahaha! She has the strangest nearly naked female body I’ve ever seen!
My!…bigger is not better, well…my humble opinion doesn’t count these days. We are indeed such complex creatures 😉
she look really good.
I feel inadequate.
Honestly her chest scares me. I fine with the Kama Sutra for thrills I say no to Coco.
wow what a cover!scandalous ;o)
Is it even possible to have this body w/o some kind of enhancements? Not knocking her… just wondering.
I love you WendyB!
Ha! As soon as I saw the subject title, I knew what I was in for!!
aaaaahhahahahahaaaa!!! yes! xo
That is some scary photoshopping. It’s amazing you can see her ribs under all that boobage!
I am not sure why but I always assumed that Coco wasn’t real. Okay, I know she isn’t “real”. But, I didn’t know that was her name. I am afraid to google her name. I am horrified to discover what I might fine.
i think i just developped an inferiority complex
If I were a corset maker, I’d be itching to get my hands on her body. She’d be able to put Kathy Jung and Dita to shame!
I don’t know this woman but man that waist is …mm.
Hi there-she must have a 2009 calendar out, maybe you can get one for your christmas stocking!
Photoshop much? 😛
I’ve never heard of this woman but she looks to have some malformation issues. Either that or a case off to Google her now to discover this mysterious appeal.
Oh and my security word today is “impair” Hahah!
SKM, just click on the label Coco on this blog and you can read my many tributes to her beauteousness.
you know if coco & ice t (and oh my goodness, just as i typed this it just occurred to me that they are both beverages!!!)
ever break up, there's no hope for the rest of us…
LMAO they are both beverages.
You could go far on that theme — all kinds of drink related decorations around the house.
I can’t get over her high round hips. That woman has some serious ass. In a good way. Is it natural?
like a work of art!
That bikini top is really straining under the pressure.
Coco, her ass, and Ice-T, live about 15 mins away from me!
I’m sure at like picture 500, they realized they’d never need to publish any articles ever again and decided (unfortunately) to go a different direction.
I don’t know who this is, and I feel like less of a man for it.
Those underpants look a little painful, no wonder she’s taking them off.
They photoshopped out the corners on her breasts. Seriously, they’re square. Worst implants. ever. But you gotta love it.
I love the name Coco as it is the name of my favorite designer of all time, Deja Pseu’s King Charles Spaniel, as well as my cat.
Rock on, Coco!
Umm.. I am lost for words..
Actually no I’m not. WHAT THE HELL??? Why can we see her ribs?
It looks like she’s sucking in her stomach but all the air went into her boobs.
I knew you wouldn’t let this beautiful gem of a cover pass you by.
No idea who this Coco person is, but the only other person who has a body like that is Barbie, and she’s all plastic.
With all the ribs showing under the giant mass of boobs and ass, it’s a surprise that her spine hasn’t snapped!