Do you prefer my hair straight like usual or wavy like this?
UPDATED TO ADD: Darn you, first commenter Cherie of Shrimpton Couture! I figured since my gorgeous sister Terri Berry was wearing red lipstick with black and leopard last night, I’d be able to pass her off as myself. Here she is in all her beauteousness.
Here’s the real me with gorgeous nephew Sebastian.
Here’s Terri Berry with Sebastian.
And here’s Sebastian giving Cherie the hairy eyeball.
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adoooorable!!! all 3 of you aww!
Well, I WAS fooled! My gosh, you and Terri Berry look so much alike in those photos! Beautiful as always, I should add 😉
is that sweater on the baybee PAUL SMITH??? i love fierce babies. that kid is gonna have a GRRRREAT chin.
^^ My mom knitted that sweater!
He is one sweet munchin!
Terri Berry, give me that skirt dammit!