When I turned 40 last December, my gorgeous mother, BarbaraB, told me she wanted to take me shopping for a special birthday present. I couldn’t take the pressure of picking out my own gift for such a momentous occasion. I felt it had to be something amazing that I would never buy for myself. Tricky! But at long last, I found the gift of my dreams. Here is Gigi the dog guarding my purple Prada birthday wallet.
I would show you the inside but I got overexcited and put all my stuff in before remembering to take the picture. I’ve been walking around for years with a wallet that spews crumpled bills, credit cards and loose change everywhere. This wallet has the perfect interior (with TWO zippered compartments) and I feel I will be able to keep everything organized now. I think it can pass for a little clutch, which is a bonus. Also, hello! Purple! Thanks, BarbaraB!
Weirdly, a band called Lazlo Bane has a song called Prada Wallet that mentions a birthday. Here are the lyrics:
Guess what you didn’t get/
In addition/
While you’re wishin’/
Keep on fishin’/
For that Prada wallet
Sweet! It’s a beauty.
Weirdly, I remember singing a song about Prada wallets when I was a child. It went something like this:
O beautiful for delicious fries/
for amber wavey brains/
for purple wallets Prada see/
that’s nicer than champagne
Or maybe I’m remembering it wrong.
Happy extreeeeeemely belated birthday! That is one very find wallet indeed.
awesome! i love that you chose purple…what a rich colour
Great wallet. Please remind Mrs. B that I turned 40 a couple of years ago 🙂
You’re never 40 – I don’t believe it!
well, being one year older certainly doesn’t mean wiser, because you own a far prettier and more practical wallet than I. Sigh, guess I’ll just have to take cues from the young-uns.
and pru jones killing me with the song, I think she needs to record it.
Very nice! Love that Prada Purple!
Beautiful! I have a bright pink one that my husband gave me a few years ago; I alternate between using it and not using it.
I love that wallet and the song lyrics.
It’s absolutely Precious! So is Gigi!
cool… i have a long black prada wallet. it’s very functional. you will be soooo happy with it, i am sure.
Oh and it’s so lovely!!
When I first heard the name Lazlo Bane, I thought it was some Nordic Death metal band. With great taste in wallets!
Your purple prada treasure looks wonderful.
40 – i don’t believe it either!!
heheh the song! Happy belated birthday x
Lovely wallet. Pretty purple. Gorgeous Gigi.
P.S. Ha! My word verification is “messes”. Rather appropriate.
That is gorgeous. Happy belated!
Happy belated birthday… and happy advanced birthday, too! When in December is your birthday???
That sounds like a cool wallet, WendyB! I’m currently shopping for a new one. My wallets have always been red–bright colors attract good energy! They also seem to attract thieves!
Purple is the perfect colour! Happy belated!
Happy almost birthday to you – if it is in December then it’s almost here again.
Gorgeous wallet – love the purple – I have a green wallet – would never do a black or brown one – just too dull!
shall we be how long you will keep that wallet in the pristine condition? not that I’m trying to ruin the fun of having a new wallet… 🙂
Happy late birthday honey
and I love the feeling of getting a new wallet, so fresh!
Happy le Birthday. Wait…you’re birthday is in December. Uh…what’s going on?
Either way a great birthday present would be to enter and win TheSundayBest contest! Hey? Hey? Are you with me?
Ok firstly.. how are you 40? I mean.. you soooo don’t look it.
No more than like 30 maayyybe 35 but that’s totally pushing it.
Secondly, loving the prada purse – the colour is beautiful (^_^)
Very belated happy birthday to you!