I like to keep an eye out for fun Moschino pieces on eBay. Check out this “emoticon” jacket.
The same seller has a Moschino jacket with heart buttons that would be great for Valentine’s day…and other days too.
If you bid on eBay, don’t forget to snipe! If you prefer the “buy it now” option, this beauty is available for only $89. If it were my size, I’d definitely get it.
Here are a few of my own Moschino pieces from previous posts.
Separately, follow my blog with bloglovin’!
I love those kooky pieces – who makes stuff like that these days?
It looks so fun!
i love the first two jackets!
Love that white scalloped collar on you and the black/red dress. You have such fun with your clothes. And you have the most incandescent smile!
I love the dress! its so adorable. and I agree with duchesse, you have such a beautiful smile!
I love the quirkiness of Moschino pieces—it sort of softens the sometimes conservative cuts.
I love your pieces, especially the one with the scalloped lapels. That one reminds me of the old days, after I’d first stumbled upon your blog.
Even though I’m not a very cutesy girl, for some reason I fell hard for that heart-button jacket.
i adore moschino. i have to post my multicolor moschino puff jacket.
I love MOschino … it’s always so much fun 🙂 P.S. I have yet to explore ebay territory …. I’ve never used it 🙁
The blazers are so quriky and cool, I especially love the colourful one!
And your pieces are so awesome too!
The jackets are so much fun and you look so cute in that jacket with the white collar!
Hi there-yours is an adorable collection, actually, you have an adorable wardrobe!!!
heart details are quite adorable. Goes well with your fire engine red!
the first blazer is so cute!
The jacket with the puzzle looking pieces reminds me that my mom might have one very simular in her closet from when she was younger
I now remember why I love Moschino so much!
Darling you have such a fabulous aura! love all the shots of you in the Moschino,the last one is FABULOUS!
stay stylish Wendy,
Wow, I’m really loving the Moschino!
You’re adorable in your “street” interview!
It’s rare someone can pull off these Moschino looks as well as you!
Love the first Moschino!
Vintage Moschino stole my heart away a few years ago when I explored a clothes collectors mass of wonderful 80’s clothes – leather and zippers and bright colors through and through.
those are adorable!!!
awesome colors! sleek,simple, chic
great blog, dahhling!