My nephew, Mr. Berry, has arrived a month early weighing a robust 6 lbs 5 oz.
My sister, Terri Berry, a few months ago
We haven’t been told his real name yet, but I don’t care because I plan to call him Mr. Berry for the rest of his life.
We’ll be seeing little MrB tomorrow.
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Princess Poochie says
Awww! Congrats to everyone!
Lynette says
What splendid news, WendyB! I’m quite happy for all of you. So’s Mama. We’re looking forward to photos. Give everyone a hug from us, please.
petite and dynamite says
and a Wendy Brandes piece named for him???
petite and dynamite says
photos!! Congratulations to AUNT WENDY..
Diabolina 3.1 says
kiss you. pictures soon?
Songy says
Big Congratulations! Celebration party is in order isn’t it? That’s great news. Hope fully both are healthy and well?
Terri looks just like you! Gorgeous.
Skye says
Welcome little MrBerry! What an exciting thing it is when new little people arrive!
Anna Pope says
Congratulations to Miss Berry 🙂
La Belette Rouge says
Congratulations!! You must make a “berry” necklace to celebrate your new nephew.
quoththeraven says
Congrats to your whole family!
Sharon Rose says
Hi there-many congratulations to you all, fabulous news!!
Diana Coronado says
Loveeeeeeeeeeelyyy !!
Congraaattzz !!!!!!!!!!!!
Pictures !!
sueper says
Aww! Congrats to your sis!
PBW says
Congratulations! Photos, please!!!
everybodysaysdont says
Big Congrats! Very exciting! x
jennine says
wwoooot! congrats terriberrry! and son.
(and auntie too…)
miss cavendish says
Congratulations, auntie! Is this little lad the first?
melissa o says
Congratulations to Auntie Wendy, Uncle MrB, Mama Terri and Daddy Berry, and of course to GrandmaB and GrandpaB. What a lucky little Berry-ette this baby is! I can’t wait to see your new line of diaper pins!!
Coos and kisses all around.
Olga says
Congrats!!!! Congrats!!! I’m sure he will appreciate you calling him Mr. Berry!
Shannon says
A month early and 6 lb 9 ?!?!!? Your sister is super woman!
Congrats to all 🙂
emmapeelpants says
Congratulations to all, and welcome to Mr Berry! Can’t wait to see photos….
Wendy says
Congrats all round!
enc says
HOORAY! And congratulations.
I can’t wait to see pictures of Mr. Berry. I wonder which fruit he’ll look like. Strawberry? Raspberry? Blueberry? Loganberry? Huckleberry?
CDP says
Congratulations! Best wishes to all of you!
Danielle says
congrats to the fam! on another note – this reminded me of you:
Deja Pseu says
Congratulations to sis and your family!
Miss Janey says
Congrats and much happiness and good health to all.
lisa says
Congratulations to you for becoming an auntie and to your sister! She looks great in the photo–she’s definitely one of those glowing pregnant women. 🙂
Dana (MODAna) says
what if they end up calling him Barry?…
Mr Barry Berry?
Suze says
Oh yeah – congratulations!
Sal says
Yippee! Congrats to all!
stef m says
ooooh, how exciting for you and your family! congrats xo
gem fatale says
Yay, congrats! May I suggest the name jerry?
…. *tumbleweed*
🙂 I hope to see pics!
Fashion Fille says
awwwww! that’s so exciting. congrats to everyone!!
Leonesse says
She is as beautiful as you are. I bet he is just gorgeous!
KD says
Congratulations to her! Maybe Mr. Berry will teach you to be more social. (Remember that post called “A Conversation With My Sister”?)
Duchesse says
I wish you a long and happy aunthood, being glamorous and kindly for Mr Berry!
fashion herald says
congrats, congrats, congrats!!
K.Line says
Felicitations! (BTW, I read your second post about this before this one, which is why I ask about the bebe being early…) What a robust early baby he is! Just adorable.
Practically Perfect In Every Way says
good size, congrats to all!!! i love his name!
Dana says
Congratulations!!!! I’m really happy for you!!