When my gorgeous client Melissa told me she had gotten a pixie haircut, I insisted she take a photo.

Check out Melissa’s previous hairstyle here.
I was thrilled by how glamorous she looks. Those big shades are just right with that cut. And I had to agree with her comment, “I think my new do really shows off the jewelry, don’t you??” Hell, yeah! Melissa is one of my most devoted clients. The three pieces she’s wearing here are just a small part of her Wendy Brandes collection. When I dropped off her “M” Boleyn Necklace last month, she said, “It’s art!” You can’t imagine how honored I was to hear that. In addition to the Boleyn, she’s wearing the Papessa Necklace and the Clemence Ring in black spinel and rock crystal. (Those earrings are not mine. Gotta do something about that.)
Now that you’ve had a few moments to admire Melissa’s new ‘do, she wants you to know that this style wasn’t a mere fashion decision. Melissa is being treated for breast cancer, and even the “light” chemo causes hair to thin, so she felt a short cut would be easier to handle. I asked Melissa if she wanted me to avoid mentioning the cancer here and she said, “No, let people know! If one person gets a mammogram they’ve been putting off, it’s worth it!” (What a change from this experience.) So listen to Melissa, ladies, and take care of your health.
UPDATED TO ADD: Look who is copying Melissa!
The moment I has the munneh, I’m going to be buying WendyB pieces left and right! 🙂
I’m glad that Melissa is speaking out about getting mammograms. I got one recently. All’s good.
Wow what a difference! She looks beautiful! I’m jealous of her WendyB collection, it suites her well!
Love the do melissa, and KICK CANCERS ASS!!
Melissa’s hair – and the rest of her – looks gorgeous. Practically Perfect really said it all with the “kick cancer’s ass” comment. It seems that’s exactly what M’s in the process of doing!
(And the jewels aren’t half bad either!)
Jewellery = magnificent
New hair-do = even magnificent-er
Mammogram PSA = VITAL
I third the “kick cancer’s ass” mantra!
That necklace looks superb in “M” flavor. The symmetry really works.
She looks great in the pixie cut, it’s true.
Have you ever considered a pixie cut?
ENC, are you part of a conspiracy? Several people have asked me this recently. If I can ever find my scanner (it’s here…somewhere) I will scan some pix of me with my old pixie cut. Pixie pix!
I love pixie cuts, even Annie Lennnox style cuts! She looks utterly fabulous, something that is, of course, helped by the WendyB jewelry. Good luck!
Please thank Melissa for the PSA and offer her my best wishes…I’ve been putting this off, but I’ll get it done now.
Bravo, Melissa, for her bravery in spreading the word.
love the cut, I chopped mine off a few weeks ago. Short hair is SO chic and your collection looks fabby on her. Jealous.
I love the hair cut! I would love to have a pixie cut. So cute.
This is a nice blog post. I have just been through a cancer scare and although it is fortunate news for me it really is necessary to reinforce regular check-ups and good health. Thankyou 🙂
Wendy looks adorable and chic. I wish her all the best throughout her treatment. My heart goes out to her aswell as my hopes.
Eelie, Melissa is the one who is adorable and chic. I just wrote about her 🙂
this is a touching post! she’s brave not only about the cancer part but about her hair! i could never be brave enough to cut my hair that short
She really looks awesome and glamorous! I bet when she wears ur creations… she would look like a princess!
Perfectly glamorous, those necklaces look divine on you Melissa. Thank you both (Melissa and Wendy) for spreading the word about mammograms. My sister just had a scare and then an ALL CLEAR (i’m so happy). Best wishes in your own fight Melissa, keep wearing those lucky charms!!
Your jewelry is truly stunning …
Hi Wendy-Melissa looks gorgeous with this hairstyle, I do wish her all the best too. Mind you, she looks fabulous with all her/your pieces on-I’m soo loving the Papessa necklace!!
She looks great! Healthy spirit.. I guess that will cure her along with treatment.
One of those days.. I should get wendyB pieces for myself. one of those days.
Oh that necklace is beautiful … what tallent
Thanks for poping in to say hi 😀
Great haircut!
And the jewelry looks fantastic.