Levi Johnston is the teenager who knocked up Sarah Palin‘s daughter, Bristol.
I hope the 60 seconds of bliss was worth all this hassle.
UPDATED TO ADD: US Magazine has the obligatory quotes from his MySpace, including, “I don’t want kids” and “I’m a fuckin’ redneck…” I bet he’s just dying to marry his hard-partying honey, don’t you? Of course, it doesn’t matter what he thinks because in Sarah Palin’s world, people don’t have a choice!
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Aretha says
Yeah baby, you’re uberchic!!
What has this guy done?? I have no idea hehehe
Levi defo should have kept his Levis on!fab play on words!
Make Do and Mend says
Well it’s a fine mess he’s got himself in, he must like moose burgers and have no place to run or hide.
Super Kawaii Mama says
Oh their parents must be so proud. His 15 minutes are going to be very painful and expensive I think.
WendyB says
SKM, while normally I’m against violence, if I were his parent, I would beat this kid till my arms fell off.
eye4style says
Wow, it gets worse…(or should I say better?)
enc says
He sounds like the ideal man. When can I get a date with him?
WendyB says
LOL @ ENC. You love them rednecks, doncha!
C. says
I am utterly confused as to why there is such furore about the private lives of these young people. Maybe it’s because I’m English that I don’t get it but it seems to me as though there is so much mud-slinging about this matter that has no bearing whatsoever on politics that it can only be a feeble attempt to discredit Bristol’s mother. How many young people write nonsense on ‘My Space’?? So this young fellow did just that and it was no one’s business but his own.
Can someone explain why it’s necessary to drag all this up, please?
Kristen says
c. – The main reason this is being brought up is because Sara Palin is very big on “abstinence-only” education in school. It would not have been such a political issue otherwise. Basically, her 17 year old daughter’s actions just bit her in the political ass.
pistols at dawn says
Who sleeps with guys named Levi? Besides, like, Lot’s wife or whatever.
C. says
Oh, I see! 🙂 Thanks for the explanation, Kristen :-).
Well, I guess I’ve yet to meet a teenager who held the same views as their parents, and since neither Bristol nor Levi are standing for the vice-presidency, I just feel a bit sorry that their private stuff has been all over the news..even at the side of the Atlantic! Happily, it doesn’t seem to have made one jot of difference to the general opinion of Sarah Palin…She’s become very respected – at least from here – already :-).
Kim says
well…. at least the baby will be good looking.
daddylikeyblog says
Hear, hear!