The lovely folks at Ask a New Yorker named me September’s “Uberchic.” It’s like being Playmate of the Month, but with more clothes and no invitation to swim with Hef in the Grotto.

You really can ask a New Yorker something at Ask a New Yorker. Go here to look at some of the questions that have been asked in the past, and here to ask one of your own. If you just need to find out where to buy magic potions, read my interview.
That’s so cool. Love the coat.
I don’t need to Ask a New Yorker to know that you are uberchic!! (Great photo…)
That’s so cool. Love the coat.
ahhhh i remember this shot!!!!! beautiful dress!!!
Awesome photo!
You are so pretty and I love your style.
What a cute interview! Bravo!
Congrats! That coat is beautiful.
Thanks for the shout out! And yes, I felt like a total stalkerazzi.
Hooray! I love this photo of you. Great subject, great photographer.
Woo hoo! Congrats, Wendy.
yes, you are superchic! but you should still get to play in the grotto w/hef.
congrats honey!just fallen in love with your blog,your writing is oh so witty.
You look absolutely beautiful. Love the picture and many congrats to you. They obviously made the right choice.
Thanks for stopping by.
sexAY BEotch!!! love the dress and boots!
Great interview! I LOL’d at some of your replies, including the one re. whether you work out.
You must have read my mind-I’d been thinking I haven’t seen you in an Ossie for a while, so I’m pleased you obliged-gorgeous picture and interview, well done!!
Congratulations! That photo of you AND the outfit are absolutely awesome.
fab! That interview was interesting. You never really answered how many pairs of shoes you had.. (guess the names you mentioned didn’t really mean much to me. 🙂
That is the coolest dress I’ve ever seen.
That is such a fabulous dress and a great shot too. Obviously you are way beyond uberchic!
swweet! you’re everywhere!
Congratulations – gorgeous shots!
btw, I so want to see your version of a cameo — I’m sure it will be one more drool-worthy piece that I’ll add to my “someday” pile 🙂
That’s one hell of a gorgeous coat!
You are, indeed, uberchic. And uber funny.
No surprise there! You always look great.
So well deserved. You look great in that photo.
Awesome … and I agree, you’re so uberchic 🙂
wow, congrats! Really cool outfit too 🙂