The Babouska bag is really quite darling. I’m surprised as I never expect something this quirky to come from Gucci!
oooooh me either! That burgundy one really rocks my world…
xoxox, CC
Switch bags to cookies and I’m with ya.
Madame Diorsays
i wouldn’t say no either, anyone would be crazy to! =] Hysteria bag is my fav
head in the clouds.says
i’d have to agree there.
The second one is gorgeous. I wonder why they called it Babouska, though? Why the Russian allusion?
Diabolina 3.1says
i’d probably kick the second one out of bed. but the first one!! the first one i’d make sweet love to 🙂
p.s. i would love to wear your jewels. LOVE. i’m too poor though. Maybe one of the starter necklaces. What’s my blogger friend discount again???
Gasp — Diabolina — you don’t like weird bunny people?
Other peeps, I answered Diabolina’s question offline but for the rest of you, if you are a regular on my blog you are welcome to ask about a friendly discount. I can’t always afford to be very friendly but I do like to make sure people I know get what they want!
fashion heraldsays
i love hysteria. and can rarely resist anything called “babouska.”
♥ Marta ♥says
They are such a cute couple … and that bag is sooooo amazing 🙂
yeah i know… i’ve been kinda checking these two bags out and i’ve asked myself if i would be so hesitant to say i liked them if they were any other brand…
but what the hell… i DO like these bags and i suspect i might grow to love the hysteria one
The second one is too cute. I’ll post it on Fashionably Cute. 🙂
There’s something so Alice-in-Wonderland about those rabbits on the Babouska Boston bag. It’s great!
That second one pretty much has my heart. Are those…bunny people?
i love that second one …
also that family photo is a classic.
I like the carpetbag quality of those first two. The giant studs on the third one are fascinating—much like that picture of you in shorts.
If someone offered me I wouldn’t think twice either!
Hi there-I love the 2nd one best-gorgeous!!
i could go with a… YES!
would I ever!
*drool* I did find bags of similar feel before but still genuine Gucci can’t beat!
You know, I’d think I’d take them too – even if they werent offered…
Cammila — totally! Bunny people! who can resist them?
i love the hysteria bag. It is so shabby your posts dear.
Love the boho chic of that top bag! It’s been a long time since Gucci has done any bags that appeal to me.
Love the Hysteria collection and the first one is fab!
I like the vintage-y look of the Hysteria bag.
oh my goodness, both of those bags are fabulous.
come look at my blog!
The Babouska bag is really quite darling. I’m surprised as I never expect something this quirky to come from Gucci!
oooooh me either! That burgundy one really rocks my world…
Switch bags to cookies and I’m with ya.
i wouldn’t say no either, anyone would be crazy to! =] Hysteria bag is my fav
i’d have to agree there.
The second one is gorgeous. I wonder why they called it Babouska, though? Why the Russian allusion?
i’d probably kick the second one out of bed. but the first one!! the first one i’d make sweet love to 🙂
p.s. i would love to wear your jewels. LOVE. i’m too poor though. Maybe one of the starter necklaces. What’s my blogger friend discount again???
Gasp — Diabolina — you don’t like weird bunny people?
Other peeps, I answered Diabolina’s question offline but for the rest of you, if you are a regular on my blog you are welcome to ask about a friendly discount. I can’t always afford to be very friendly but I do like to make sure people I know get what they want!
i love hysteria. and can rarely resist anything called “babouska.”
They are such a cute couple … and that bag is sooooo amazing 🙂
yeah i know… i’ve been kinda checking these two bags out and i’ve asked myself if i would be so hesitant to say i liked them if they were any other brand…
but what the hell… i DO like these bags and i suspect i might grow to love the hysteria one
The second one is too cute. I’ll post it on Fashionably Cute. 🙂