The wonderful people at Lady Language are encouraging you to donate to Stephanie (aka NieNie) and Christian Nielson. You will get a gift certificate worth double your donation! Click here for more details. Click the blue button to the right of this text to donate. And don’t forget to forward me your receipt too so that I can add you to my list of donors.
Here are some of the cute things you can buy at Lady Language, all very reasonably priced. Click the photos for more info.
UPDATED TO ADD: Click here for the updated tally of blue-button NieNie donations.
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Nice! Does the offer extend to Canucks who’ve donated?
They’re all sweet choices, and maybe this will be just the incentive undecideds will need to get them to donate!
I love the jacket.
I wanted the first dress but they are out of stock already.
Cool selection.
hey i recently bought a shirt like that dress!
Hi there-Duly done.
Thanks for the post back! I’ll keep you updated on donors as well and thanks for bringing this cause to my attention 🙂
I love all of these things. Being unemployed just sucks.
Donate, people, DONATE!