The kink-a-licious Asudem Latex of Doll’s Realm tipped me off to this vintage Thierry Mugler PVC catsuit on eBay. Check out the collar and cuffs!

Thinking of Thierry Mugler made me scramble for my (autographed!) copy of photographer Arthur Elgort’s Models Manual. There’s a photo of models Karen Mulder and Carrie Coffey posing at sunset, wearing Mugler dresses with pink and blue helmets that look like wigs. This is the first image I think of when I think of Mugler. Then I think of George Michael’s Too Funky video, which Mugler directed and styled. The first model down the runway in the video is my beloved Linda Evangelista!
Back to my friend Asudem Latex. She recommends the real latex leggings available at Libidex, which happens to be having a sale. She notes that real latex is more expensive than American Apparel’s faux version, but lasts longer. When on sale, Libidex’s version is less expensive than Kova & T leggings, so ch-ch-check it out.
I’m just so old, honey, I guess because the first thing I think about when I read/hear latex is old-timey girdles, with those attachment-thingeys that hold up one’s hose. Now, though, thanks to WendyB, I have a new image in my hay-eh-duh–head to the non-Southern.
I wouldn’t mind licking my margarita photo right about now, either.
oh gosh, that’s crazy awesome.
Mugler sounds like the last name of a vicious petty criminal.
Those blue wig/helmet things were so fabulous, I remember them with love!
Also, got to love any link which gives me a warning before I enter it!
where has Tierry Mugler been. I remembered back in the days Mugler was the rage. What happened? Interesting cat suit! : ) have a savvy day!
The catsuit is totally awesome!
Ha ha, when I think of latex I think of Britney Spears in her Oops I Did It Again video.. it’s a connection I’ll never be able to forget!
You have to be pretty kick ass to be able to pull of that Thierry Mugler catsuit!
In my head I can hear the crinkly sound that catsuit would make with every move, like a plastic-covered sofa. But it does look pretty cool, like what Catwoman would wear to a gallery opening.
My beloved B-Boys!
Thierry Mugler!
Linda Evangelista!
I’m in heaven.
I had a cat suit once—but it was not made out of latex.
It would look amazing on you!
The collar and cuffs are genius!
Wendy – great call on the Libidex – just checked out their site and they have some really hot leggings!! Thanks 🙂
latex seems cheap and tawdry to me… which is exactly why it is so popular! lol.
of course, i’m joking.
everyone knows, it’s how you wear it. it takes confidence to be comfortable wearing it.
The thought of squeezing into that much latex is scary.
i long for the days of the too funky video. life was simpler. fashion was more individual. george michael wasn’t a total mess
. sigh.
wow the cat suit is insanely awesome!!!!
Thanks for reminding me about that video, it’s also the first thing I thought of when I saw the word Mugler – I loved it now I’m gonna have to youtube it.
I’m wondering if you should have a latex party sometime! Maybe a blogger meeting latex theme party at that! Maybe a New Years Eve Latex Theme Party!