After my most recent post on band jackets, gorgeous blogger StyleSpy sent me an email with the subject line: “the mother of all band jackets.” She wasn’t kidding!
StyleSpy says that years ago she bought a whole band uniform for “practically nothing at a vintage store.” She likes to wear the jacket with dark jeans, boots and a black cashmere sweater, and she doesn’t give a damn if people call her “Sgt. Pepper.”
These jackets from Smythe are pretty far removed from StyleSpy’s vintage find, but I think they have a wee bit of that vibe. Both styles are on sale at Mick Margo.
I love the last jacket. Sgt Pepper rocks!
LOVE Sgt Pepper!
OMG, “Band jacket”? That is so much cooler than “military jacket”!!!!
that’s one helluva band jacket, hahaha. i really like the contrast lapel one at the bottom!!!!
Oh yeah, a band jackets gotta be red.
Love this last jacket-very stylish and timeless!
Love them ALL, but Number 3 is Miss J’s fave.
I’m partial to the red Mick Margo, and fear I’m too chicken to go StyleSpy’s route. Kudos to her for authenticity!
Wowza! I used to think band geeks were uncool…
im digging the ones from mick margo!
Well, I heart you too!
I love both jackets from Mick Margo. If I could, I’d get both!
Haha, thats so funny. LOVE the white jacket!
I could definitely find a place in my wardrobe for that black and white shawl-collared one. Wowee!
I hadn’t really noticed this trend, been out of the loop for a bit. Interesting choice by stylespy. The red one in the middle is quite cute, although I generally prefer longer jackets.
I love Style Spy’s band jacket! We don’t have much of a marching band culture here, so to find one of those in a thrift store would be like finding a super rare diamond.
That jacket is out of control, would people actually wear that out in the open?
I like the more subdude interpretations though;)
The jackets are so bold!
p.s.come by my blog!
Whoa! That second blazer! I LOVE it.
yep, we found the mother!
The red colorblock jaclet is really cute!
Yes! I was hunting for a cheap drum major’s jacket for the longest time! It was that or a Napoleonic officer’s jacket. I thought the former would be easier to find but I never did track one down. My quest is reinvigorated!
That joint is stylin’ and profilin’. I would totally wear the matching hat, as long as no one ever finds it and calls me on that.
big big yes for he school boy blazer.. what a name!
timeless classic
that somehow reminds me of the Heraldry post by Danz
I’m really in love with the last jacket!!!
Love the withe/blue blazer!
these remind of the jackets that Coldplay has been wearing to promote their new album. =)
last month I saw the Mucca Pazza in two events events here in SF
, defintely crazy cookies, cheerleader included, that screams for art fairs and they sure are loads of fun!!! -this cute post of your reminded me of them 🙂