The psychedelic See by Chloe dress that I posted a while ago has been ruined for me by Dlisted’s adored Phoebe Price (aka “Chicken Cutlets”).
Phoebe Price is to Dlisted what Coco is to me. That’s the answer to a question on next year’s SATs, by the way: “Phoebe Price is to Dlisted as _______ is to WendyB?” Options will be:
A) Sam Waterston’s eyebrows
B) Georgia Jagger (I tease because I love, Disco!)
C) Hugh le Despenser
D) Coco, who is the goddess of all she surveys and whose feet you are not even worthy to kiss
Do you think that is the original See by Chloe dress or a knockoff? I can just see Ms. Price strutting around in a knocked-off dress, accessorized by a knocked-off Balenciaga. Coco doesn’t play those games. All her outfits are complete originals. Phoebe wishes she were Coco.
It could be the lighting, but that’s gotta be a knock-off. The fit is just wrong and the colors and design seem off.
Unless she is stupid enough to buy a designer gown and have them tailor it to have a completely different fit. Or it’s infinitely smaller than the one on the model.
UGHHHH. Phoebe Price. She’s just wrong.
How frustrating. Jenny McCarthy ruined a dress for me this spring.
hehe, but she’s fabulous all the same… I love Michael K’s obsession with her. So funny..
Aah, Chicken Cutlets – who knows what she does.
WendyB – Sometimes you are truly hilarious! 🙂
My boyfriend was waiting for the bus the other day and saw Coco and Ice-T drive by in a Bentley. We had previously seen them at the grocery store since they live down the street from our old place.
Phoebe is hilarious because because she’s so random. I loved that “press conference” she had in front of the Chanel store.
I just want to know who Phoebe Price is. I’m proud to say I’ve never heard of her.
Anyway, back to Coco. Not everyone can be as clued-in as she is. Coco sets the example, and Phoebe’s only alternative is to follow.
I only recognize phoebe price b/c of the Fug Girls. actress? reality star?
Chandra, get an autograph for me next time someone sees them! Throw yourself in front of the Bentley if you have to.
Herald, International supermodel…in her own mind.
Nice – you can’t stop the classy ladies taking the pick. I’m sure she sent someone in they wouldn’t sell to her ‘knowingly’!
I am afraid…who the heck is this Chicken Cutlets person?!
I think she tarts up the dress with those icky pink metallic shoes.
Miss J has ocassionally longed for a life of being famous for doing nothing. But then she remembers how easy those people are to ridicule and gets back to her blogging.
I get the feeling PP wears a lot of knockoffs. Everything she wears looks so cheap. I don’t know how she does it. Thanks for trying to reach me. I’m thinking of you too!!
Brightpictures, if you ever get to photograph her, I will be so excited. Not as excited as I would be with Coco though.
Hahaha! I said the same thing when I saw PP on Dlisted!
Coco is so classy.
I totally understand your pain.
I once purchased a dress from Topshop and then a few days later a reality tv star was seen wearing it in the papers so I returned it to the store.
The girl behind the till had said that many people had also returned the same dress.
Some celebs are brand killers.