A big thanks to all you blog readers! If you hadn’t been so supportive of this blog, maybe I wouldn’t have continued writing it for over a year. If I hadn’t continued, I wouldn’t have written about designer Christian Francis Roth. If I hadn’t written about Christian, he wouldn’t have contacted me. And if he hadn’t contacted me, I wouldn’t be doing jewelry for his new line.
Yep, I’m making my first venture into “fashion jewelry” to accessorize Christian’s new clothing line, Francis. Christian wants to give the line some combination of our names. I want to call the line “Sam Waterston’s Eyebrows” but he doesn’t think that is a good idea. What can I say? Not everyone has refined taste like mine.
Some of you may have seen shots of Christian’s new line in WWD yesterday. My rings were shot, but that photo didn’t make it into the paper. Of course not! WWD only covers me when I do something really, REALLY important. Luckily, I brought my own craptastic camera to the shoot on Tuesday, so here’s the news that wasn’t fit to print.
First, we’ve got two models wearing pieces from Christian’s line. That plaid blazer is so mine! You can count on my wearing that soon. The blonde is wearing my rings on her left hand.
Christian de-linting the “Accost” dress that’s causing a scandal
Stay tuned for more jewelry designs, plus price information.
Oh, and one more blog-related fan letter needs to go out to Gnarlitude Jen, who put my skull ring on the Urban Outfitters blog. Thanks, Jen!
UPDATED FEBRUARY 2010 TO ADD: It was fun while it lasted, but all good things must come to an end. Click here for more information. All the jewelry is still available on my website.
Skye says
Congratulations, those rings look fantastic! As did your leopard dress of course!
WendyB says
Thanks for having my leopard-spotted back, Skye!
altamiranyc says
Congratulations Wendy! Those rings look like alot of fun! I love it!
La Belette Rouge says
That is #$%#*& amazing!!! Love it!!! Brilliant!Congratulations!!!! You so deserve this success and so much more.
Poster Girl says
Congratulations, that’s fantastic! I love your sense of humor. I think a ! ring is on my must-have list right now.
Lady Smaggle says
Oh wow contratulations! Any Aussie stores you want me to swear at for you? Myer? David Jones? I love the rings though Wendy, I really do. I would love to purchase if you sell them online one day!
The Maiden Metallurgist says
Awesome news!
WendyB says
Lady Smaggle, I’d love to visit your neighborhood, so swear away! And I will make sure that you — or anyone else in blog land who wants a ring or a set of rings — will get theirs no matter what!
styleraven says
I like the dark blue dress with the swirly dots in the WWD preview.
WendyB says
Raven, I felt like something was missing. I will have to add my photo of that cute button print dress to this post.
enc says
I like the name of the joint venture. Thanks for showing the rings, and I hope you do well with them! The new clothing line is great, too.
Oh Lady E says
F$@# YEAH!!! I’ve been dying to tell everyone, but I kept my lips firmly zipped so as not to ruin the moment! Now that you’ve made the big reveal, I can blab away. This is so exciting!
And now I must find a way to get one of those polo dresses… and the plaid miniskirt.
Jeanne says
Oh man, those are so effin’ rad! Definitely keep us posted on when/where we can get ’em! (The navy blazer with the plaid trim is awesome, too!) Congratulations, lady!
skgillespie says
Congrats congrats….
Now find some way of getting it to Australian stores 🙂
Sharon Rose says
Hi Wendy-many congratulations to you!! Fantastic news of this new venture and I hope you get the recognition and publicity for this line that you deserve!! The clothing line is great and of course, the blazer is so you! I love the line of rings-but I will wait patiently for my Diana, I cannot be swayed-haha!!
Make Do and Mend says
could have done with those *U&%i^% rings yesterday!
Love the 'polo' dress and of course the rings! Still its a shame your name isn't Ursula then you and Francis could have been F*@C"$ U@
Tara says
Congratulations and Well done!!
That’s fabulous news. All the best for your future ventures 🙂
Shaz says
Everytime i’m on your blog i feel like i know someone famous, but now you pretty much are!!
Your going to design the F#@! out the fashion industry!
♥ Marta ♥ says
Congratulations, that’s soo exciting 🙂 ….. I love the rings and his clothes are fantastic 🙂
penelope says
CONGRATS!!! You’re a fab designer and I love your swear rings! I think I’ll most probably get the “F” ring but for me; it’s gna be F for Fabulouso!(((: and the plaid blazer is indeed gorg!
cybill says
That is such great news!! Perhaps after this line sells out you could start your diffusion line and call it ‘Sam Watersons eyebrows’ – I really think it will catch on you know.
Shrimpton Couture says
This is just fantastic news Wendy and you deserve this! I hope your s&^&**J flies out the doors of the shops!
selinaoolala says
omg congratulations!! gosh shows how ze path of life all plans out in the end!
Alice Olive says
Congratulations! Looks like it was simply meant to be… (the collaboration I mean!)
Deja Pseu says
Congratulations, and great rings. Love that polo dress, too funny.
CDP says
If I was 18, I’d totally want that graffiti dress.
Danielle says
Wendyb, F@*$ Yeah!
Deirdre says
Get the f*&k out. That's f&%k#*g great news!
And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the polo dress. What a brilliant idea! The IDOZ alligator eating the polo horse is pretty f&#k&%g funny also!
This comment was brought to you by the letter "F."
miss cavendish says
Super e##!*g cool!
Ashe Mischief says
You delight me, lady! I can’t wait to see more pieces of your pieces. This really looks like a match made in heaven (other than his failure to see how amazing your original name idea is).
Also: http://www.mischiefmydear.com/dramatispersonae/?p=173
You DO delight me.
Isabel says
Wendy B, you are MAJOR!
stef m says
f*#&^ng awesome for you! ooh, love both the polo dresses.
Moira says
Congratulations, Wendy! This is very f*#@ing cool. When is Francis + Wendy going to be featured on Gossip Girl?!
i think thats hauttte says
congratulationsss!! thats wayy cool.
fashion herald says
great name, great ring, this is my f*&^ing Christmas present, am forwarding to husband so he can get to work making some $$$$! Congratulations, what a perfect team.
eye4style says
Hey Wendy! It’s Dina…we met this week at the shoot. LOVE the rings, you are such a talent! I do want to interview you on my site soon:)
Miss Janey says
Holy f%#*ing sh%t. Awesome news. Congrats Miss WendyB. Miss J can’t wait to get her own fF#@!ing fF#@!ring.
lisa says
The plaid-trimmed blazer is hot, the rings made me laugh, and the polo dress is a lot sexier than the polo dresses I’ve seen.
Diabolina 3.1 says
congrats. what fun!
a fan of andy rooney’s eyebrows,
Always In Style says
Wendy – I am so thrilled for you.
I’m glad you stopped by because I’ve been meaning to tell you that we’re going to feature your Boleyn necklace in an upcoming Trends Report. I’ll send you a copy when it’s ready.
Emily says
congratulations, love! what an exciting collaboration. i simply adore how these shots were styled.
Renaissance Woman says
That ring could come in handy many times throughout my day!
Sal says
Yipee! Congrats, Wendy.
Siljesfashion says
Congratulations, how fun!I am so impressed with all your success and I loved your Marie Claire interview.
(R)evolver74 says
Hahaha awww man, you are brilliant!! The swear rings are a great idea!!! I’d totally rock that!!!
Aretha says
Ohhh, those dresses are really chic!
Prunella Jones says
Wow, I envy your networking ability along with your sense of style. Congrats me dear, you deserve all your success!
K.Line says
This is seriously amazing. Here’s this designer you love. First you make contact. Then you make friends. Then you collaborate. It’s like kismet!
a lady says
those rings are awesome–don’t suppose you’d consider making them in brass knuckles, would you?
also, it’s nice to know there are other bloggers home on friday night…
WendyB says
Lady, Friday night is for amateurs. I party on Thursdays.