Poor Henry! His problem paw swelled up and he had to have it drained. I believe that if you look up “misery” in the dictionary, you will find this picture.
At least the vet thoughtfully color-coordinated Henry’s accessories for him.
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oh poor little henry! but he does look rather stately being all matchy matchy.
Aww I feel bad for him, but even in the depths of misery he’s pretty gosh darn photogenic.
Poor little guy, still ridiculously cute though. I hope he’s back on four paws soon!
Poor, poor Henry. Didn’t his namesake have a festering leg wound? He might be jinxed. 🙁
i dearly hope for a quick recovery!
Awww, poor Henry!! Hope his paw heals quickly.
hahhah awww how cute…hope he gets better soon!!
ouch! i hope your puppy feels better, on the brighter side he looks very elizabethan haha
Poor puppy. Seriously, that’s terrible. It must be very stressful. I hope his paw feels better soon.
Awwww, he is such a lil cutie! I hope his lil paw starts to feel better real soon! :heart:
Yes, that says misery all over it.
Poor Henry. At least his abject misery is an object lesson in accessory match-up.
hi wendy, thanks for dropping by my blog 🙂 was a pleasant surprise. can we exchange links?
thanks! looking forward to more lovely jewelry
Ooooh! Poor little puppy! He is so cute isn’t he? Look at his squishy little face!
Poor little buddy!
I kind of want to photoshop a cigarette dangling from his mouth and a half empty bottle of scotch next to him.
Henry’s a trooper. I can tell because he’s got his head up. He’s not letting this get to him. I imagine a big part of his attitude comes from his very own WendyB who must have said, “Oh, Henry, you look so good in blue, honey. I just know you’ll be all well soon!”
Maybe he really is Henry reincarnated!
Poor pup! Smooches from our house and all the pets on this end.
LOL, Lynette, you know how it is dealing with a sick doggie. So sad!
Jayne, good point.
TerriBB, I have often wondered if I accidentally cursed Henry by naming him after Henry teh 8. He certainly has a kingly attitude.
Thank you all you other peeps. I will pass your regards along to Henry. And he will stare at me and think of kibble.
poor guy! you know, that incredible face could be used for fundraising because after looking at his picture I have an uncontrollable urge to write Henry a check.
poor baby. i hope he will get well soon and yes he deserves extra treats. : )
Aww poor Henry .. hope he gets better soon 🙂
Poor Henry! The baby doesn’t look at happy right now, but I really hope he can get better soon. On the other hand, he does look stylish all the time xxxx
Here’s hoping Henry is back up to snuff in no time!
Ooooh, poor Henry! He does look miserable.
thank goodness he matches! but don’t you have a prada sticker or something you can stick on that cone? How about a bedazzler?
Aww. Poor Henry. Hope he’s feeling better soon.
Oh, sweetness! Poor baby. At least he has the consolation of knowing he looks fab in blue.
Oh the poor pup! Bless his color-coordinated little heart.
omg! he is adorable!
We should plan a doggie playdate. I have a brussels griffon/yorkie mix. I wonder if they’d get along 🙂
oh no. . . he does look miserable. but on the other hand, he also looks lovely in blue.
poor little guy 🙁
Is Henry part pug? He’s adorable.
Funny that you ask, Pugly. He’s a Pekingese, which is very like a pug anyway, but I’ve always suspected there is a little pug in him due to his tightly curled tail.
Oh poor Henry, I was so hoping he was more better than not-please pass on some doggy hugs from me.
Poor baby, I hope he’s better soon.
Get well soon! x
Feel better, sweet prince!
Awww.. poochy woochy…
I recently got this hugx bowl as a thank your for posting about them. I love it because Darby’s name tag no longer clinks against the side of his dog dish like a cow bell. But it is specially made for dogs with post-operative collars like poor Henry. I don’t know how long he has to wear it, but if he’s having issues with eating check out the Hugx…
aww poor lil guy