Someone needs to buy me this ’60s printed leather and denim jacket by Cavalli.
Speaking of jackets, Under the Stares is yet another blogger who is yearning for a marching band/military-type jacket. For her, my fellow Adam Ant fan, If You’re Into It, found this Converse by John Varvatos jacket.
$795 at
Blogger Hannah at Hello Mr Fox found a vintage band-style jacket in pink, but you can’t have it — it’s hers!
If you can’t find a jacket that you like, think about a pair of sexy, marching-band boots instead.
Pleaser Boots
$56 at
Speaking of bands, the worst band pun I’ve seen in a while is “Here Comes the Son” for a fashion spread featuring the late Beatle George Harrison’s lookalike son, Dhani. How many times are we going to be subjected to that groaner now that Dhani has an album out? Thanks to blogger Le Fashion for bringing this to my attention (even if she was more interested in model Sasha).
Love the converse by John Varvatos one!
HAHA on the boots
wtf, in a good way
you look adorable in the pic btw
Hannah looks super cute in this jacket!!
I love the Converse by John Varvatos jacket.
I love the Converse by John Varvatos jacket.
The Converse by John Varvatos jacket is so stunning.
Yum to the Converse one– it makes my heart skip (and wish that my own military/band coat fit π π π )
hi Wendy B.. thank you so much for leaving sweet comments. so here I find another cool blogger. I love your Pleaser boots there! it’s just like having a personal shopper.. finding all these gems. see you around!
π songy
I love jacket on Hannah! So sweet!
The 2nd jacket makes me think of a hoodie by Mike & Chris…I think. Not sure. They're all very Coldplay, aren't they?
Yes jackets are versatile! My aunty gave me 2 really really cool jackets, I can’t wait to experiment with them!!:D
Wow, that Varvatos jacket looks GOOD!
Dhani looks just like his dad, it’s making me sad! Because his publicist shouldn’t have approved that hideous title!
Herald, the publicist doesn’t have the last word, unfortunately.
I wanna look like Adam Ant — cool jacket!!
i recently picked up a grey denim marc by marc jacket to add to my collection and it’s very marching band-military. . .
ooh the john varvatos jacket is insane. i can’t quite make it out, but is that lace detail at the hem? if so, i must buy it immediately!
Hannah looks very cute!
like the pink jacket. very girly but savvy. the boots are so dramatic. but, love the cavalli jacket, you will sure stand out.
The Converse by John Varvatos jacket is a must – also, the please boots are fantastic!
Love the Varvatos. Hate the puns. Unless they’re a lot better than that one.
the first jacket is a must !! i love it ::)
I would buy if for you if I was rich;)
I love the military look. I have a military style jacket but it’s cropped and I don’t really like the way it looks on me.
I’d love to get a longer one…that John Varvatos one is awesome!
I also bought a military pin from ebay that I like to wear on hats and blazers.
Mahalo Jen, get rich, for God’s sake! What are you waiting for?
The Converse jacket is lovely.
that pink one is super cute. too bad my ACTUAL marching band uniforms weren’t wearable off the field.
I want Hannah’s jacket…
i want hannahs jacket…AMAZING!
I nominate Mr. B as the buyer.
The boots are so cool! I have a thing for fetish heels…
Thanks so much for including me in one of your posts! I’m stupidly excited!
Oh the boots, the boots…..