cool so fringes are definitely in for the fall fashion for you guys living in the northern hemisphere!~ I haven’t quite worked out how Australian fashion cycle works but I sure hope this trend continues when our winter comes around!
Then again I will probably do it regardless. 🙂
cool post.
Those would be cute on some kind of six foot gazelle woman. On me, an express ticket to Hobbit Town.
Sharon Rosesays
These are very cute indeed!!
very cool!
As a strictly flat woman (well, that sounds weird…), I absolutely love them!
everyone’s wearing fringe boots lately, well here in australia anyways! these boots are definitely on trend.
Times of Glorysays
Fringe is one of my weakness, but I guess heel is more important:)
They will look great on the girls with effortlessly chic style xxxxxxxx
miss cavendishsays
Flat boots–fringed or not–remind me too much of D D-L padding about the forest in The Last of the Mohicans. And while I’d love to have him padding about my house, I don’t want to feel like Hawkeye when I go out.
Prunella Jonessays
I love me some fringe.
fashion heraldsays
haha, miss cavendish! i’d love Hawkeye in my house too, esp. when it was Daniel Day Lewis. i’m kind of so-so on these, think i prefer longer fringe.
cool so fringes are definitely in for the fall fashion for you guys living in the northern hemisphere!~
I haven’t quite worked out how Australian fashion cycle works but I sure hope this trend continues when our winter comes around!
Then again I will probably do it regardless. 🙂
cool post.
Those would be cute on some kind of six foot gazelle woman. On me, an express ticket to Hobbit Town.
These are very cute indeed!!
very cool!
As a strictly flat woman (well, that sounds weird…), I absolutely love them!
everyone’s wearing fringe boots lately, well here in australia anyways! these boots are definitely on trend.
Fringe is one of my weakness, but I guess heel is more important:)
They will look great on the girls with effortlessly chic style xxxxxxxx
Flat boots–fringed or not–remind me too much of D D-L padding about the forest in The Last of the Mohicans. And while I’d love to have him padding about my house, I don’t want to feel like Hawkeye when I go out.
I love me some fringe.
haha, miss cavendish! i’d love Hawkeye in my house too, esp. when it was Daniel Day Lewis. i’m kind of so-so on these, think i prefer longer fringe.
Those are amazing.
Did you see your boy Roth on WWD today?
Poochie, I was at the shoot. Will have my behind the scenes photos later.
That’s some serious fringe!!
Yay! Maybe the man in my life won’t notice my hairy legs this winter in a pair of these lovelies.
your six month call on the rolled up jeans is brilliant.
i’ve had to roll my jeans for a long time cause i’m pretty short … so i’m all for it.
Those ARE great! I’m not a fringe girl, so I’ll leave them to the girls who are.
I love fringed boots … I have my eye a pair from Michael Kors
oooh i love those!