The giant sunglasses worn by tout le monde these past few years never looked good on me, so I became obsessed by little round ones. I’ve been getting a lot of use out of this pair.
I got them at Morgenthal Frederics during my March outing with gorgeous blogger Leah from Style for the Stay at Home Mom (come back, Leah!). That day I was wearing these glasses and I asked for glasses “like these but smaller.” Now I’m starting to feel the need for little rectangular sunglasses as well.
For a selection of larger round glasses, check out The Coveted.
Oh the john lennon sunglasses! I have to say you wear them well, you are so cute.
and yes 40 somethings can be radiant without botox if their name is wendy hahaha
LOL…car does look like its driving through your head. Love the flowers. I like your glasses. I love the big glasses that cover my entire face! Great to use on my scooter or VW bug convert.
I’d never have noticed that car until you pointed it out!
You have an eye for detail.
And sunglasses. You look great in that shape. Rectangular would be good on you, too.
ooo you look great, very unique!
Fantastic sunnies. Way to be an original!
Yep, right through your head and into that lovely blue hydrangea. Love your shades! Duncan doesn’t seem to have suffered any lingering doggone-why-can’t-I-have-a-dog-bone effects from his close encounter with that huge bone. Thank goodness!
Portland Oregon Daily Photo
I totally feel you on the “large sunglasses” pain. I’m pretty petite and on me they’re overwhelming. They look like ski goggles.
Hi Wendy-these style glasses so suit you! I love seeing photos of you, even if you have a car driving into your head-at least you don’t have a pole coming out the top of your head, like in my photos-haha!! I knew you’d spot Rachel Weiss’s dress on Jens post, I was pretty sure you had that print dress too!
They look great on you! I have a thing for oversized round shapes this year 🙂
hahha, the truck does look like it’s driving into your head, typical, suv’s can be so entitled.
LOVE the round lennon glasses, we must have been on the same wavelength!
(thanks for the link love!)
Those sunnies looks fab on you.
I love the John Lennon sunglasses and I think they look so cute on you.
yes, get the rectangular, too!
these totally suit you.
Wendy, that last comment was from me, but I was signed in as the BF. Please don’t post? Here we go:
Those glasses look adorable on you! Teach me how to put a car through my head please?
Very cute, sorta Lennon-ish. That car…in one ear and out the other.
such a cute pic. love the hair.
Wendy, if a car hit your head, it would just get flattened, because you would hopefully be in your new skirt , latex leggings showing it who is Really The Boss.
Damn straight, Craig!
Wendy-some people want to know…just what drives you? Is it a SUV? A truck?
Wendy, those hydrangeas look very grateful that you are not molesting them while wearing your groovy shades. 🙂
I can’t believe I passed up a flower-pinching opportunity!