Today’s red lipstick recommendation is YSL’s Rouge Pur 131, also known as Opium Red. It’s deeper than my favorite red. I found a wall in Krakow that kind of matched.
This lipstick doesn’t have the extra lead or whatever it is that makes my favorite lipstick semi-permanent. Still, it survived a pierogi lunch.
En garde! I thought lipstickery was my domain!
Ahh, I really want to experiment more with red lipstick. I’ve only ever bought a cheapie one and it was terrible.. Do you have any recommendations for a red lipstick rookie?
Hannah, I’d try a sheer red first. I’ll have to look through my stuff and see if I have one. Trish McEvoy’s Sheer Hollywood might be a possibility. It’s available at
I’m too washed out to wear red lipstick. Don’t I wish!
I sure do dig those little John Lennon sunglasses though.
Swift reply, thanks!
Oh wow, I love pierogis. I’m hoping to get some of them for gifts as opposed to the “Wendyb went to Poland and all I got was a crummy lipstick t-shirt”. Thank you.
Oh wow, I love pierogis. I’m hoping to get some of them for gifts as opposed to the “Wendyb went to Poland and all I got was a crummy lipstick t-shirt”. Thank you.
oooh! my lips are too full to wear red lipstick during the daytime!
Red lipstick is basically an outfit in itself!
Such a gorgeous smile!!!
you look lovely! I adore Krakow, I hope you are enjoying it.
It simply isn’t fair that you are so damn photogenic.
mmmmm, pierogi.
Did you find a wall of Opium Red lipsticks in Krakow?
I would imagine the price would be somewhat lower than in Paris or NYC…well one hopes so..still at the rate things are going up and up, even Krakow could be no bargain…ahem
Thank you, ENC, but you know it is my rule to hate all pictures of me!
i love that red lipstick on your! very suitable. i always look like a clown when i try to sport red because of my skin color. i have to mostly stick to dark shades, which sometimes sucks-
there is absolutely no point in wearing red lippy unless it stays on. i usually blot, a lot. that usually does the trick.
i found one drumbeat red from loreal that’s suprisingly good for $8.