I was checking out the website of my favorite jeans brand — the annoyingly named Acne — and I’m kind of loving the look of the loose-fitting Generic Girl style. I’m not sure how it would look on me, but the way Acne styled it on their perfect-bodied models makes it look sex-ay. The peach version is on sale for $119, down from $299.
The fabulous studded Cherie skirt is on sale for $159, way down from $399.
This might be the studded skirt that Rihanna was recently photographed wearing. (An anonymous commenter here pointed that out.)
Speaking of denim on sale, check out the Barneys website. Stella McCartney jeans are on serious sale — a high-rise straight leg is $69, down from $275.
Wendy: Don’t you just hate the name of that brand! At any rate, the look on the model is sex-ay indeed, but I fear on me it would look vomit-ay.
i've said it before & i'll say it just one more time… thank you, lord, for barneys sales.
I’m very tempted by that studded skirt…
That’s a lot of money to pay for jeans that I’ll grow out of before the month is over. Summer BBQ’s – my downfall.
That’s a lot of money to pay for jeans that I’ll grow out of before the month is over. Summer BBQ’s – my downfall.
sighh acne acne acne
is it just me, or are the sales particularly good this year?
thanks for the tips!
those jeans are nothing short of awesome!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, you have a great one yourself!
I’m not sure which one to leave comments on, please let me know because both are great. I love that you have a ‘back up blog’- very cute.
I hate how much I love that studded skirt.
I also hate that Barney’s is bombarding me with postcards crowing about sales when I. Am. On. A. No-Buy!!! Aaaaaarrrghhhhh!!!!
I’m kind of digging those jeans – very Grease with the heels.
The studded skirt is amazing….
those peach pants look really comfy, and that black skirt is super sleek and sexy. love at all!
Love the pants!
Acne jeans, look good but the name just annoying. you are so right! adore the little bottie heels. i still need to find a pair of fall.
You’d look brilliant in those looser-fitting jeans; you’ve got the legs and the shoes for it!
Mmmmm, I can’t decide if I like those jeans but I can’t really tell if those could fit my style
wow!!love it!!it is so classic!
I do like the cut of those jeans, but I’d def look like a midget in those.
Going to go check out the Barneys site!
love the jeans, they are such a nice colour!
Oh I really love the studded skirt-very nice indeed!!
I love Acne jeans in general! They always create a great shape surprisingly! Oh my, I am so so soooooo tempted on that skirt! It is really rocking!
i had some sweet peach jeans from miller’s outpost in 7th grade. ugh so fierce.
I HATE THE NAME ACNE TOO. No one talks about it. It’s like the big fat elephant in the room in every story about those jeans.
a teenage survivor of bad skin,