A Pretty Face, Poetic & Chic and Freelancer’s Fashionblog tagged me with this book meme, for which I must pick up the nearest book, turn to page 123, find the fifth sentence and post the next three sentences. The book is Katherine Swynford: The History of a Medieval Mistress by Jeannette Lucraft, which I previously mentioned here. This passage is a quote from the chronicler Jean Froissart and it concerns the court’s reaction to the marriage of Katherine Swynford and John of Gaunt:
They said ‘he had sadly disgraced himself by thus marrying his concubine’; and added, that, ‘since it was so, she would be the second lady in the kingdom, and the queen would be dishonourably accompanied by her; but that, for their parts, they would leave her to do the honours alone, for they would never enter any place where she was. They themselves would be disgraced if they suffered such a baseborn duchess … and their hearts would burst with grief were it to happen’. Those who ere the most outrageous on the subject were the duke and duchess of Gloucester.
So there you have it. People haven’t changed much. The 14th century had haters, gossips and even the medieval equivalent of a blogger to record the hate and gossip for posterity.
I’m supposed to tag some other bloggers, but I never do that. Instead, I’ll use this as justification for sharing this Katt Williams clip on haters.
As I said in my last post, Katt Williams is my new hero. In case any of you are getting confused about my labels, here’s a guide:
Hero: Katt Williams
Idol: Coco (New pictures here — check out the matching pink outfits! Coco and T are the perfect couple, and don’t try to tell me otherwise.)
Obsessions: Latex, Sam Waterston’s eyebrows
So what Queen were you in a former life..?
I was a Tarte Citron..
Kat Williams is hilarious. His sketches about having to stop getting high and having kids are hilarious.
I checked out Cocos pictures-she sure looks cute in this pink dress-wowser!!
HA. So true. Law & Order would be such a yawn without Sam's little salt-and-peppered forehead caterpillars.
Thanks for your comment! Kat Williams cracks me up every time 🙂
No doubt CoCo adn Ice T would be a blast to party with.
I keep forgetting to ask. What happened with the fish feet????
Or am I not supposed to bring that up?
Poochie, there is a long-overdue fish feet post coming up. It’s been delayed due to my own laziness. All will be explained though!
I remember the discussion about Sam Waterston’s eyebrows.
I worked on Kat Williams last DVD. . . it’s great to see him getting some mention in the fashion blogosphere!