I was unable to resist trying the studded Acne skirt I posted here. Usually, hemlines that are sky-high on tall models are perfect on me. In this case, the skirt was as short as advertised.
When I told MrB that the skirt had to go back, he practically burst into tears. He thinks this is the perfect length. It was when I was 26! But now I have enough trouble dealing with frighteningly short — but precious — Ossie Clark dresses and Stephen Sprouse skirts. I don’t need to buy more problems.
ugg that’s awful b/c it is quite cute, but even though i’m younger than 26 even i’d still be uncomfortable if i always had to check myself before i sat haha
I’m with the sage MrB on this one. It’s a great skirt, why not wear it with opaque tights?
Well, I see why he was upset, it’s HOT! But I get your side of the argument, too.
no, i love it! i’m 25, and have never had legs like that! you must keep it.
Oh but it’s gorgeous on you. If I had those perfect gams like yours, I’d wear the skirt even if I was 60!
I think you should keep it-not only to please Mr B but it will also look great with black opaque tights too! I think a few short items, worn in the right way are great additions for your wardrobe! And yes, that is an about turn I’ve had on the mini subject-I’m a woman, I’m allowed to be fickle and change my mind-haha!! Like you say Wendy, where what you want and when it looks great, go for it-with your legs you should!
oh my GOD
I love this skirt
please don’t take it back
please allow me to enjoy it vicariously
don’t be so selfish!
i think it’s super hot!!!
Hey, I have to be on MrB side! That’s perfect length! Age is just a number… not a problem, especially to YOU! You have perfect skin and nothing is a problem! I know, I know that we don’t want it to be too short, but maybe a pair of 15 tights can do a great job 🙂
Oh, but that skirt is fantastic! How can you resist? You are a stronger woman than I…
Wow! That skirt looks great!
I’m with MrB too! Your legs look great in that skirt. Lucky girl!
You know, with a pair of gold lame leggings underneath you could go that skirt !!
It looks fabulous, but unfortunately, you’d have to sit down, climb stairs, etc., at some point. But if there’s a situation in which you’ll only be standing still or walking on a flat surface, it would be perfect!
noooooooo i’ve been wanting this skirt and have had NO luck finding it!! i think as long as you wear it with a top that’s not too revealing and a good cardigan it should be ok. so sad!
them are some fine gams, lady.
I love the skirt. Didn’t Rihanna wear it last week too?
Peeps, thank you for all your kind words about my legs! (Sharon, you are highlarious.) I really, really like the skirt, and it might work with opaque tights, but I feel I already have a number of short-enough-to-require-opaque-tights items that I don’t wear enough. If it were a few inches longer, I’d definitely keep it because it is so nicely made. (And yes, Coco, it’s the one Rihanna was wearing. I was kinda hoping she’s really tall and that’s why it was so short on her. I have no idea how tall she is but I’m guessing not very!)
Your legs do look amazing!
i agree; shorter does not mean better!
oooh that skirt is lovely… i’m just over 26 and would still pull off skirts that short.. but if you’re not comfortable with it then i totally agree!
Poor MrB! it looks great on you, but I can relate – i keep pulling out my short skirts but rarely end up wearing them out.
Are they YOUR legs? I thought they were a model’s. They are soooo keepers, your legs look better than mine. I bought some short shorts today which I was debating but now I think I’ll keep them 🙂
You look so good in the skirt! But I know what you mean–I’m very self-conscious about short skirts as well. Incidentally, what’s the colour of your pedi?
Oh my good, you have amazing legs! You should totally show them off, but wear whatever makes you comfortable. Thats always important, you dont want to be checking yourself all the time.
you keep it!!!!
Honestly, W, with love I tell you you’re a nut. That skirt looks great on you and is not too short! 80 blog commenters can’t be wrong!! Of course, you have to be comfortable at the end of the day.
PS Feel free to send it to me 🙂
you look wonderful, don’t sent it back.
ohh its not that bad
It’s not too short at all… I say don’t send it back!
Lisa, my nails are Essie Apertif, Trombone or Russian Roulette. I always pick one of those and don’t know which it is this time.
Kline, you’re definitely right about the nut part 😉
I agree with that statement, and I won’t by anymore problems after this last Thai bride, I promise.
Oh for the love of jesus, you’re just showing off your legs. Are those legs real?? If so, I’m never ever ever going to show mine again. Waah.
Love the skirt! A little short but love it on the right person.
aww thats so sad.
this skirt is so pretty.
WendyB, you’re kidding right? That skirt looks fantastic on you! I would definitely keep it. Those legs were made for minis!
what a shame, that’s an amazing skirt!
Wendy B! Rock them getaway sticks, girlfriend.
awwww! You DO have the legs of a 26-year old!
Heeey! Age is just a number! Your legs are fantastic. DO NOT PART WITH THE SKIRT. It looks fantastic!
thats a shame, that dress is amazing
The skirt is amazing, I’d totally keep it!
you look great in this skirt..
Wendy, I would like to present you with a Hottest Legs Ever award. But to claim it, you must keep this skirt.
I think the skirt looks fab on you