I finally have seen my essay in the July issue of Marie Claire! First of all, I must thank my wonderful editor, Abby Pesta, for taking such good care of me. Secondly, I must call my dermatologist for Restylane and/or a face lift. I’m a little traumatized by the photos, especially since I haven’t seen a non-smiling picture of myself in many years. Complicating matters is that in my mind’s eye, I’m 26 years old and look like Linda Evangelista. My mind’s eye is blind.
You’re going to have to buy the magazine to read the whole story because I don’t think Marie Claire would appreciate my giving it away here. But you won’t regret spending the money because the cover story on Sex and the City is excellent, and I say that even though I’m bitter that the SATC chicks got lots of awesome Photoshopping while I got zilch. If you like SATC — the show and/or the movie — you really will want to get this issue. It’s on the newsstand Tuesday and subscribers already have it.
Moving from old media to new media, I must also belatedly thank The Glam Guide for writing the world’s nicest post about me earlier this week. G.G., there will be a new Book Club post next week!
i wish you a great night
street style romancer in Paris
I just received my Marie Claire in the mail and without seeing this post I recognized you right away. This article was very well written. Thank you for sharing such a personal aspect of your life with us.
I think you look great! Magazines always want those serious, moody photos. Did you wear your wolf necklace because the photographer’s last name is Wolf? π Of course, now I have to go get the magazine for your story!
Kamel and Diva, thank you both.
Susanna, oh noes! I totally missed my chance to try to sell her that necklace!
congrats! it will be a little difficult (and expensive) to get my hands on an american issue of marie claire here, but i will do my best. i’ll tell you when i read it!
You don’t need to change a thing! I might actually have to buy a magazine now, because I’m really excited to see you in it. Congrats!
My husband, on looking over my shoulder, just decreed “Ooh, she looks good.” Which is about as much as you get from him if you’re wearing clothes. I think you look great Wendy. So intrigued to read the article. Will find a copy of MC tomorrow (to read with cappucino in the garden, natch!)…
Annabananna, don’t spend too much on me. Well, you can spend it for the SATC girls.
TCH, thank you!
K.Line, “Which is about as much as you get from him if you’re wearing clothes” made me laugh out loud. I forced myself to stop, because it was increasing the severity of my laugh lines.
I’ve never bought/read Marie Claire before, but now I will have to! Congrats, Wendy! How exciting! By the way, you look fantastic and you don’t look a day over 26 π
OMG, Restylane my black ass!
Your face looks fucking fantastic! And your lips! Please!
All Restylane shall go to me, Missy.
I looked at the photo first right away and said, “Damn, Wendy looks amazing!”
So there. Your website for the jewelry looks super good, been meaning to mention that. I covet everything on it.
Yulanda, you should have seen me when I was 26! I looked so young, I was like a fetus!
Sister Wolf, don’t make me fight you for the fillers, beyotch!
Cutemess, I’m so glad you like the site. I worked on it so long, if people didn’t like it, it would be truly tragic.
OMG, that’s amazing
I’m going to buy it tomorrow, just for you.
I can’t believe it!!
ps you look stunning.
Y’know, if I didn’t believe you were telling us the truth about your last birthday, I’d have thought you were twentysomething too (are you sure you’re not?). The picture looks great, even without the smile (though I love the smile- and you are totally the Goddess of the Red Lip!).
Aw, thank you, Floppy. I was so shocked by the photo that I even doubted my commitment to red lips. I know! It’s crazy!
I shall make my purchase on Tuesday, thanks to your timely heads up!
Also, thanks to your vigilant bulldog/watchdog self for finding and reporting content theft. You’re bound to be making it better for all of us bloggers.
Finally, click here to the best faux-shelf-ass, in my humble opinion. It’s worth the scrolling! And then click here to see how adeptly I hid my faux-plus-real-shelf-ass!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
You are beautiful.
I’ll be buying my copy as soon as it comes out.
You look like you’re 26 there! (And I have no idea how old you really are.)
Thanks for the comment on the poodle dinner party.
I just looked at some of your other posts and enjoyed the SATC one especially. You make most excellent points. (And I agree, the movie was pretty poor compared with the series.)
I’ll definitely be looking for Marie Claire.
Lynette, those pictures are HILARIOUS!
ENC, you are biased but I still heart you.
Kitt,thank you and I hope you come back often. And please continue to not look at my photos too closely. Oy!
Oh you look awesome in this picture.
Hi wendy-your lips look so red and luscious in this photo!! Can’t wait to read this article-very well done too!!
What are you talking about? You look fabulous! Congratulations!
I think you were definitely a world famous comedienne in a previous incarnation. Reading about being Linda E in your mind’s eye – you just gave me such a good giggle, and I really need that at the moment. As for the photo – it’s not polite to tell people that you think they’re deluded :)But, you look fabulous – sultry, slightly mysterious, and ever so “IT”, hip and cool! This might be a bit effusive…but that’s what I think – and I did look at the enlarged version. Congrats!!!!
wow, congratulations… here in Spain we have to wait more for it:(!
I can’t wait to buy it π And you look REALLY beautiful in that one shot…
You deserve it.
It’s amazing, I don’t know if I would find an american Marie Claire here, but I would try.
You look beautiful dear.
I think you look beautiful. Your skin is a hell of a lot better than mine, and your lips look just as wow all sultry like that!
Sadly I won’t be able to read it, but perhaps if I can find it in Borders over here or something….
Congratulations darling! I am heading to the newsstand this morning! π
Don’t be crazy! Linda Evangelista has nothing on you, Wendy B. Must go out and buy MC today!
I adore your writing and will certainly buy a copy – congratulations! It’s great to see women doing what they love and getting recognized. I am sure the pics are great and you probably didn’t need photoshop like the rest of those models π
Great! Perfect! Cool! Your a journalist? I didn’t know that, sorry! It must be so great to see yourself in a magazine – and than it’s Marie Claire! Cool! What are you talking about? I cannot see it from the scan. Congretulation so much! Oh yeah, and I just wanna say thanks for your comment at my blog. Oh yeah, the thing with the split ends is really a problem. Perhaps you know, Iβd platinum blond hair just six months ago. The hair is still a bit dry and so. So β when cutting the hair β why not now? Youβre so right!
Your todayβs picture is so cute , we all should use professional photographers!
Have a nice day!
I’m going to pick up a copy as soon as it reaches London!
Well done!
Your mind’s eye is not as blind as you think! Perhaps suffering from some colour blindness but definitely nothing else.
I wish I could buy it but I can’t find Marie Claire US here π
Congratulations! The next time I’m in a bookstore, I will slip a copy of Marie Claire into a Maxim or Sports Illustrated and check it out.
Nadine, thank you!
Sharon Rose, so my red lips are still working for me? My belief in them was shaken!
Ms. Dip, thank you. I never take “serious” photos so seeing one was a severe shock.
Bronwyn, for some reason your comment made me envision Linda E. reading this post and being like, “Oh, hell to the no!” and then I was laughing myself.
Atelier, thanks!
Fab Broke, thank you, but I think the interview you did with me was the more entertaining story.
The Seeker, Emma, Allie, thank you!
Iheart, Oh believe me,I bow down before the perfection that is Linda E. I love her as much as I do Coco!
LL, If I could figure out photoshop myself, I’d use it on all my pictures! But I can’t seem to get the hang of it.
Charlotte, I used to work in the news biz but now I’m a jewelry-designing blogger, or blogging jewelry designer. One or the other.
Coco, thanks!
PF, colors are not my forte, hence all the black that I wear.
Alice, alas!
McGone, if you really loved me, you would tuck me in a Playboy.
fantastic! i wish i could read it, will be hunting for a copy in borders tomorrow!
Congrats!!! You are doing such big things-YOU GO GIRL!!!
Darn–I just returned from the magazine store. Tomorrow, then! That’s certainly a provocative headline. And your picture is flattering indeed; it’s a delight to see your “serious” look too.
Haha no I didn’t mean that you can’t match colours, just that your colouring is a tad different from Ms Evangelista’s.
LOL, PF! Stil, I stand by my commitment to easily-matched black!
MissC, I try not to use that look very often.
Congrats on the article! Even though it’s not a great scan, you look great. Hooray that a magazine doesn’t airbrush everything to death [although the covers are all pushing it! Kim looks younger than everyone else, how is that possible?!]
Yay Wendy! You rock!
Of course I’ll buy it you lil darling. Congratulations!
OK – Just read it and I’m so impressed that you got a byline in MC. And you looked gorgeous in the pics – and the story is very interesting (not that I’ll spill about it). What a fascinating life you’re leading, WendyB!
PS – Did you notice that Rhiannon of Liebemarlene Vintage is photoed in there 2x (Dove campaign pic – not credited) and in the Atlanta “What I love about me” section? You blog vixens are taking over the mainstream!
Thanks, K.Line. I guess the story isn’t such a big secret and I will sum it up in another post for peeps! I can’t believe I missed Rhiannon! I will look now. Previously I was to engrossed in my own laugh lines.
Thank you to Modelizer, Etoilee and Altamira!
If it isn’t in London next week there’ll be trouble – can’t wait!
Okay so I bought Marie Claire, and I liked your piece. . .it was very sad. . . but you have a way of putting your voice into things where I was like “oh there’s that Wendy B. charm”. Well done you!
Thanks, Etoilee…yeah, sorry it’s not exactly a cheerful story!
Eager to read. Note: Smiley pics are always better and but you still look gorgeous.