Whatcha doing tonight? Spending quality time with the family, you say? Ha! I knew you weren’t doing anything important. You have no excuse not to watch this ProPublica/60 Minutes report on the U.S.-funded Alhurra television network, which spews anti-American propaganda in the Middle East, with a dash of Holocaust denial to add flava. If you can’t get to the TV, you can read the story here. (Remember, ProPublica is Mr. B’s project.)
Speaking of 60 Minutes, I recently saw a Family Guy episode where Death is sitting in an easy chair, reading a newspaper, as retired 60 Minutes dude Mike Wallace types at a desk. When Mike Wallace stops typing, Death looks up from his paper expectantly. Wallace resumes typing and Death goes back to the paper. I thought this was screamingly funny, but then I thought, “How would Mike Wallace feel if he saw this?!” Then I laughed even harder. I know! I’m going to hell. See you there. Mike Wallace will probably live to be 190 and bury us all.

UPDATED AGAIN TO ADD: Oh, look who is late to the party! The Washington Post has the story a day after the 60 Minutes/Propublica broadcast. I’m not going to bother to link to it.
This reminds me of the news I saw in the week-Zimbabwe TV news were all about Mugabe and his greatness and they showed an advert called ‘The Losers Club’, featuring George Bush Tony Blair and Gordon Brown-its just so unbelievable, until you see it with your own eyes!!
I thought that episode was hillarious! Save me a seat on the flaming bus to hell, okay?
Wendy, it is great to show the news to public! Like Sharon said, I saw something about that as well. It was just unbelievable!
Sharon/Times, I can’t get over the stuff going on in Zimbabwe. There’s a very informative article in the New York Times today on assassinations there.
Prunella, all the party people are going to be there — it will be fun!
I’m out of the loop on Family Guy. I’ve never seen it.
I’m not quite sure what’s up with the TV network thing…does being funded by the state essentially mean that the channel couldn’t invite guests or panelists who held a different point of view? (albeit an offensively expressed one, what with the Holocaust denial. And I won’t say anything about Israel or Palestine on here, it’s not the place). If it was the anchor who said it it’s one thing (and they should have fired the reporter chap straight off), but having seen any number of such diatribes on Indian television (against the Indian government, the US, you name it) I’m really quite jaded.
Family guy has the best current news and politics jokes among The Simpsons. About 60 minutes, I have to watch it on line ’cause I don’t think we have it here in Chile (unless it’s on cable and I don’t have idea haha)
So many times I’ve laughed at something on family guy and thought I would promptly be struck down by lightning for thinking it was funny, but so far so good, no lightning. (fingers crossed)
Have you ever seen the South Park episode where they skewer Family Guy?
It is pretty epic….
I still love Family Guy though.
love it when Death shows up on Family Guy.
grrr, just saw this and missed the first half of 60 minutes last night due to Bill Moyers. I really have a thing for Bill’s voice. But must check it out and send to husband, this sort of thing is right up our alleys. More taxpayer money spent for what?? you would think we’d all start getting really pissed about these things, but we just gripe about gas prices.
Take that, you stupid washington post! Suck it!
I love Mike Wallace except for when he interviews Hollywood types. Otherwise, he’s hard as nails on his subjects.